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*Warning, feeding tubes used!*

After Selena had put an IV in (Y/N) arm and taped it enough so it wouldn't fall out, they tried to get her to eat.

"Pup, please just eat the soup!" Lauren begged, receiving a shake of the head from her mate.

To everyone else it looked like she was just being stubborn but in reality it hurt to open her mouth and move her jaw. They were lucky she could still opening it enough to take her temperature; only because she didn't like the other option.

Turning her head away from Lauren for the 7th time and whining in disagreeance, Lauren finally put the bowl down. "Why?" She asked her sick mate, eyebrows knitted together.

'Why?' (Y/N) thought. 'BECAUSE IT HURTS TO MOVE OR EAT OR DO ANYTHING LAUREN!' She yelled, in her head of course. It would hurt to much to actually say that, so instead she whined again.

"Pup you have to eat. We're trying to make you a little stronger so you can survive the bite." Lauren explained for the 8th time.

'I know Lauren, I get that. I got that the first time you told me, and the seconds and the third. Just because I'm sick doesn't mean I'm brain dead and unable to understand you.' (Y/N) told her internally, rolling her eyes at her desperate mate.

Suddenly Selena spoke up, "if she doesn't start eating soon I'm going to have to tube her." She told Lauren, Demi agreeing with her mate.

'Tube her?' What does that mean? (Y/N) thought, freaking out over what Selena had said.

New tears strung to her eyes, not because of the pain, no, the pain medication had that numbed down to something more manageable, but because she was scared.

(Y/N) looked around the room frantically wanting an explanation. 'Tube her', running through her mind.

"Pup stop, calm down. If you just eat something we won't have to do that..." Lauren told her. A look of worry and confusion crossing her mates face.

"Ohh, what Selena means but tubing you is um... A little help here?" Lauren asked the two girls behind her.

Selena sighed and walked close to the bed. "If you don't eat I'm going to have to tube you. Basically that means I'll place a tube up your nose which well loop down, into your stomach. That way we can get liquid food into your stomach. While you won't have technically eaten it; it works the same." Selena explained, freaking (Y/N) out further.

'Up my nose? You've got to be shitting me. Does it hurt? WHAT AM I THINKING, OF COURSE IT"LL HURT!' (Y/N) yelled in her head, tears now freely flowing from her eyes. She was terrified, Lauren was scared, Selena and Demi concerned and confused.

"It doesn't hurt if that's what you're wondering (Y/N). Sure it feels funny, you're having something put up your nose. But it doesn't hurt. If it does either we're doing something wrong, or there's something very wrong." Selena elaborated for (Y/N), calming her down slightly.

She was still worried and scared. Obviously there was something very wrong with her, she just hoped it didn't hurt.

"We can tube Lauren first if you don't believe us." Demi spoke up, alerting Lauren.

"We can?!" Lauren exclaimed, not liking this idea.

"Yes, we can Lauren," Demi told the girls, glaring at Lauren causing her to gulp.

"Yeah, we can do that..." Lauren said, caving in to Demi's idea.

15 minutes later with another 4 failed attempts of getting (Y/N) to eat; Selena had had enough.

"Right, that's it. I'm getting the tube." She told the girl while walking out of the room, (Y/N) immediately starting to cry as Lauren started to panic.

"Pup please eat the food. I don't want a tube up my nose just as much as you don't!" Lauren begged, getting a slap up the side of her head from Demi for doing so.

"Don't say that! You're suppose to support her and calm her down. It'll be worse if she moves around and tried to resist!" Demi yelled at Lauren as guilt filled her features.

""Alrighty, Lauren, you're up!" Selena told they cheerily while shuffling back into the room.

10 minutes later with a fidgety Lauren, she was successfully tubed and would be able to have food pumped into her stomach (if she wanted to of course).

"Alright, you're up (Y/N)." Selena said, turning to the other girl.

'It shouldn't be that bad, right? Lauren didn't look like she was in pain. Just uncomfortable... Although they are werewolfs and have a higher pain tolerance...' (Y/N) thought to herself, zoning out until she felt a dip in the bed and a hand on her cheek.

(Y/N) squeezed her eyes closed as Selena slid the tube up her nose. While it didn't hurt like she originally assumed, it was VERY uncomfortable.

"Don't move, okay? It'll be over in no time. Lauren only took longer cause she's a baby and wouldn't stop squirming." Selena told the younger girl, trying to lightly the mood as she focus on the tube.

As promised, not even 5 minutes later (Y/N) was tubed up and had tape holding it securely in place.

"See, all done!" Selena cheered as (Y/N) and Lauren attempted to get use to the strange and uncomfortable feeling.

"Can I take this out now?" Lauren asked Selena and Demi.

"Nah, it can chill for a little while until we finish getting some food in (Y/N) stomach. Okay?" Demi said causing Lauren to groan.

"Alright well, let's go get some food options shall we?" Selena asked, all the girls nodding in agreeance as Demi and Selena left the room.

"You look beautiful." Lauren told her mate although (Y/N) has a hard time believing it. She felt like death and assumed she looked like it too.

A few minutes later all the girls filed through the door. Camila, Dinah, Normani, Ally, Demi and Selena all had different syringes filled with foods that had been blended.

"Alright, pick your poison!" Dinah exclaimed, getting hit by Normani and Ally while glared at by the rest.

"Ouch, jeez. Okay it obviously wasn't the best thing to say but stop, G-" Dinah stopped when she saw Ally's questioning look.

Lauren cleared her throat and looked at the girls, "what are the options?" She asked.

"Banana, Sweet potato, vanilla yogurt, milk, or the soup broth." Camila said, holding up the banana syringe.

"How many does she need to have?" Lauren asked again.

"Two, maybe 3 max depending on how much she wants." Selena told them.

(Y/N) pointed to them in the order she wanted them in. First Selena (soup broth), then Dinah (sweet potato), and finally Normani (vanilla yogurt).

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Selena said, stepping up to the bed as they began to feed her.

After she had as much as she could, (Y/N) fell asleep in Laurens arms.

The girls stood around the room as Demi turned to Selena, "I think this could work. She looks better, stronger. She might just have a chance..."

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