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Lauren sat next to her mate as Ally cleaned the gash, (Y/N) still asleep with her tear stained cheeks.

"She'll heal Laur, it's no big deal..." Ally told her Alpha. She could feel the waves of anger rolling off her. 

"I won't ask again Allyson. What. Happened." Lauren asked in her Alpha tone, Ally bowing her head in submission before answering.

"She told me she was going for a walk, the Carpenters having left 40 minutes prior. Next thing Normani and I knew, (Y/N) was yelling and we rushed outside. She looked ready to rip Sabrinas' head off then and there. She was so mad at her because she ripped your shirt..." Ally told her Alpha, avoiding eye contact as she stared at the floor.

"Thank you Allyson. You're dismissed, please send Sabrina and Sarah in immediately." Lauren said in an authoritative tone. 

"Yes Alpha..." Ally whispered before scurrying out of the room and into the safety of her mates arms, Sabrina and Sarah soon entering the room with their heads down.

"What. Happened." Lauren asked.

"We're sorry Alpha. We were messing around and playing and I didn't see our Luna until it was too late. By then I had crashed into her and she'd gone down. When I go up Sarah had finally caught up to me and Luna was mad. First she was sad about the shirt but then she saw me..." Sabrina tried to explain. 

"Please leave." Lauren told them in a calm tone, both girls obeying and exiting the room quickly.

Lauren sighed as the door closed, leaning back in her chair to look over her mate.

"You're a piece of work, (Y/N). What am I going to do with you?" Lauren asked the silence of the room.

"Cuddle me?" (Y/N) mumbled, not opening her eyes as the light hurt her head. 

"That's a start," Lauren said smiling as she got up, lifting (Y/N) upper body onto herself as they cuddled.

After a few moments (Y/N) spoke up again. "Lolo?" She asked.

"Yes Pup?" Lauren responded, looking down at her injured mate. She could see the gash slowly healing, Ally had cleaned it with a special herb solution to help.

"Did you buy any chocolate when you were out?" (Y/N) asked and Lauren laughed at her mates antics. Of course food is on her mind, but this time her sweet tooth was surfacing.

"No, sorry Pup. I have nutella if you'd like?" Lauren offered as (Y/N) hummed in though, breathing in Laurens scent. 

"Nutella and strawberries?" (Y/N) mumbled into Laurens chest, already falling asleep again as Laurens nails scratched her scalp.

"Mhm, strawberries too Pup." Lauren told her, knowing she wasn't going to be awake by the time either would make it through the door, and she was right. Not two minutes later, Lauren listened to (Y/N)s breath even out as soft little snores began to fill the room.

"God I love you, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/M)." Lauren mumbled, placing a kiss to the Australians head as she continued to play with her (Y/H/C) hair.

Lauren woke up to a knock on the door. She wasn't sure when she fell asleep but waking up the first thing she saw was (Y/N), and that brought a smile to her face.

After a few seconds, another knock brought Lauren out of her thoughts, disturbing (Y/N)s sleep as she turned her face into Laurens chest, soft snores quickly resuming.

"Come in." Lauren called and the door soon opened to reveal Camila and Ally.

"Hey Lauren, just came to see how (Y/N)'s going." Ally spoke up as Camila stood by the door.

"Hey, so, not to be rude, but when you and (Y/N) move out, Ally, Dinah, Normani and I can have this room yeah? It's just that it's the biggest room and there's four of us..." Camila said carefully causing Lauren to let out a slight chuckle at her Beta's hesitance.

"Sure Camila, you four can have our room. I'll buy you two queen mattresses and a custom bed frame so you can all sleep in the same bead without a hassle." Lauren told her Beta and Salutary who smiled and thanked their Alpha.

"Well her cut is almost all healed, it might leave a slight scar..." Ally said hesitantly as Laurens jaw clenched at the thought of her mates flawless skin becoming marked. She was  spotless, no tattoos, and only two scars, well three now. But besides that she was like a fresh canvas, ready to paint.

Lauren wanted to paint her. To let her swim in the colours that life has to offer. She wants her to swim in the deepest oceans and to climb the highest mountains. To see the world and what beauty it has to offer. 

She loved that about (Y/N). Her unmarked skin that was yet to be tainted. The odd blemish here or there that made her love the (Y/H/C) even more, because those marks were her story. 

"You good Lo?" Camila asked as she watch Lauren who was intently watching her mate.

Lauren snapped out of her daze and looked to her Beta, nodding her head. "I'm fine, are you?" She asked.

Camila nodded back as her answer. "What would you like me to tell the Carpenters, Alpha?" Camila wondered as Lauren switched her gaze back to her sleeping mate.

"Tell them they got off on a warning. I know the Carpenters and they're good wolves. I won't be holding this against them." Lauren dismissed and Camila and Ally left the room.

Soon (Y/N) began to stir and Lauren gently rubbed her mates cheek with the pad of her thumb. 

Opening her (Y/E/C) eyes, she was met with green ones; a smile spreading across both their faces.

"Hello my sleeping beauty." Lauren cooed as she memorized her mates features.

"Sleeping beauty, huh? I can roll with that. Who doesn't like disney." (Y/N) told her mate. 

"Not many people, Pup." Lauren answered her mate. "Not many at all." 

(Y/N) humed in agreeance to Laurens answer and she buried her face into Laurens neck. "When do I get to mark this beautiful neck of yours?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow at the Alpha.

"Whenever you want, my Queen." Lauren told her, leaning down for a slow, long await kiss that both had been waiting for since 8:00 am that morning.

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