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(Y/N) watched Laurens every move as she took another three steps back from the Australian. 

"Alright now remember what you promised me." Lauren said, receiving a simple nod off (Y/N) as she waited in anticipation.

Closing her eyes Lauren focused her mind solely on her transformation. 

A few seconds later Laurens jeans, shirt and socks were in shread's as a large black wolf towered over her, causing (Y/N) to stumble backwards a bit, tripping on a loose patch of dirt and falling on her ass.

A few seconds later Laurens jeans, shirt and socks were in shread's as a large black wolf towered over her, causing (Y/N) to stumble backwards a bit, tripping on a loose patch of dirt and falling on her ass

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(Laurens wolf)

Concern took over the wolfs features as it flattened its ears and it studied her closely. 

The large black wolf then crouched down close to (Y/N), now only centimetres away. It's greens eyes staring into (Y/N)'s. 

(Y/N) could hear her heart beating in her chest as she studied the wolf. If this was a dream she would've already walked up and greeted the beast, threading her fingers into the silky fur.

But this wasn't a dream. 

Hesitantly (Y/N) reached her hand out slowly, retracting it at times of uncertainty. Once her hand was close to the wolf however, it closed its eyes and nuzzled its snout into her palm. 

She could feel the heat radiating off the beast and it brought back her sense of safety and security. 

As her initial shock died down, (Y/N) wrapped both arms around the wolfs neck, hugging the large beast as she buried her face into its inky fur. The wolf melted at her touch, tucking its head into the crook of her neck.

(Y/N) suddenly remembered the dream or vision she had when she was in the shower. The wolf's fur brushing her neck and shoulder; where it was aiming to bite. 

She didn't feel like she was in danger but that white wolf was trying to tell her something, possibly warn her?

She'd talk about it with Lauren later.

They sat there for a while, (Y/N) threading her fingers though the silky black fur, occasionally scratching behind her ear.

She was like a big dog. In all honesty, (Y/N) prefered big dogs to small ones. She didn't understand small dogs at all. If you want a small animal get a cat. They'll love themselves, feed themselves, clean themselves, cuddle you and be lazy with you. 

Honestly a win win situation.

But (Y/N) loved big dogs. She always wanted one, they made her feel safe. She had borrowed her neighbours dog on a number of occasions to go running in the early hour of the morning so that should would feel safe and wouldn't have to worry about getting jumped and attacked. 

Laying on the ground with Lauren as a wolf, she felt safe.

As she ran her fingers though Laurens fur, scratching her neck, back and belly; she found her magic spot. The spot that made Lauren do that 'rawr rawr rawr' that dogs do as she kicked her leg in pleasure. 

The spot was just below her rib cage on the right side and (Y/N) smiled as she continued to scratch it, watching the big dog act like a big puppy. 

"You're such a puppy Laur." (Y/N) giggled causing Lauren to huff, disagreeing with the Australian. 

"Don't worry, it's cute!" (Y/N) reassured, kissing the wolf's muzzle. 

Lauren was over the moon and flopped back down onto the ground and she laid her head in the Australians lap. She had kissed her. Clear as day, Lauren would never forget this moment. 

"I always wanted a dog. Not some small yappy thing. A big dog that would protect me and that I could take running. In a way, I have that now. Luckily for me she also turns into a sexy green eyed Goddess."  (Y/N) mumbled to herself in thought, not realising Lauren could hear everything she was saying.

'Sexy green eyes Goddess huh?' Lauren though, a smirk, if possible, covering the wolfs face. 

Standing up in her wolf form, Lauren walk over, pushing (Y/N) towards the chair on the porch before laying on top of her.

Standing up in her wolf form, Lauren walk over, pushing (Y/N) towards the chair on the porch before laying on top of her

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(Y/N) looked into the wolfs green eyes as they seemed to glow slightly, reminding (Y/N) yet again of the dream. 

(Y/N) was brought out of her thoughts as Laurens wet snout nuzzled into her cheek. 

(Y/N) smiled down at the big puppy and kissed her muzzled a few more times, scratching behind her ears. 

She loved everything about this. Mostly that this, was Lauren, the girl she trusted her life with and was falling hard for.

They stayed like this for ages until the sound of yelling from inside brought them out of there little world, Lauren immediately standing up as she walked over to the back door we left open.

"Dinah that's not funny, you owe me another packet of chips!" Normani yelled.

"Girl I love you, but I don't regret eating your damn chips and I'm not going to the shops now just because you want them." Dinah sassed back.

"Don't make me put you in your place Dinah Jane!" Normani spat.

"Mani, I swear to fucking God if you dare-" Dinah was cut off by screaming up stairs.

"Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen Amasio, what did I tell you about using the Lord's name in vain! That's the last time, I've had it with you!" Ally screamed as the sound of fast approaching footsteps was heard, Dinah's eyes going wide with fear.

Soon Ally appear, bible in hand as Normani snickered from the side. "Ohhh, you're in trouble!" Normani called as Dinah stood frozen with fear.

"Not the bible, Ally I promise I wont say it again" Dinah begged as she watch the girls eyes shine a bright yellow with a scowl plastered on her face.

"You say that now but it never lasts, this is the only way you'll learn." Ally said, taking a step forward as Dinah spun on her heel running away from her. 

Before Dinah could get 10 feet away from her though, Ally pegged the bible at her running figure and it hurdled through the air making contact with the back of Dinah's head, the girl falling to the ground as a result.

In a matter of seconds Ally was straddling the taller girls waist, pinning her arms above her head.

"Jesus Ally, that hurt!" Dinah complained. 

"See! You just did it again!" Ally yelled, causing all the laughs (Y/N) had been able to contain to come bellowing out. 

(Y/N) doubled over in laughter as she clung to Laurens wolf form for support. 

This was the best day she'd had in years.

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