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"Do it."  Was the only thing heard throughout the room as (Y/N)s whimpers mixed with the ringing in Laurens ears.

"W-what?" Lauren asked, looking down at the girl startled. She didn't expect her to agree so easily. 

"Lauren, don't." Ally whispered a warning.

"No Allyson, I don't think she understands the severity of this situation!" Lauren said gripping her hair as the roots as she scooted up the bed. 

"You could die, (Y/N). It will be horrible and shitty, and you'll be in so much pain if your body rejects my venom!" She continued, looking at the whimpering figure of her mate who just wanted desperately to be held and comforted.

"I get it Lauren. I do, but I'm already dying and I'm already in pain..." (Y/N) mumbled, avoiding everyone's gaze as tears slipped from her eyes, her lip quivering.

"I'll call Demi..." Camila said before rushing out of the room to escape the tension the room held.

"Demi?" (Y/N) asked before looking up into Laurens eyes. 

"Yeah, she'll help." Lauren told her, moving closer to her to hold her mate. 

(Y/N) was grateful for Lauren moving back to her original spot, immediately moving into her embrace, seeking warmth and comfort. God they both hoped this would work.

After 20 minutes a knock was heard at the front door. 

"I'll get it!" Camila screamed, running through the house. 

"Demi!" She yelled, opening the front door to launch herself at the slightly taller girl. 

"Hey Camila, I came as soon as I could. Is Lauren okay?" Demi asked as she walked in, Selena close behind her as Camila waited to close the door.

"She's holding up but everyone's just scared her body won't be strong enough to hold out for the change..." 

"Is it really that bad?" Selena asked and Camila nodded sadly.

"Yeah, it's only been 3 days but her body is shutting down. We don't know what's happening to her..." Camila said, the girls looking from one another sadly.

"Come on, we shouldn't waste any more time." Demi announced, making for the stairs.

Walking past the lounge room, Dinah, Ally and Normani were cuddled up together, comforting one another as the sobs echoed through the house, the pain had gotten worse again and (Y/N) was letting everyone know it.

"I can't imagine what it would be like to lose one of you..." Normani said. "I love you both even though I don't say it that much... I'm sorry at yelling at you for eating my chips D. It was stupid." 

"No Mani, I shouldn't have eaten them without asking you. I should've brought you more of them when you asked." Dinah told one of her mates.

"...I'm sorry for throwing the bible at you too Dinah." Ally told the younger girl.

"No I deserved that too. I shouldn't say things like that especially after knowing you don't like me to. I think a part of me does it to get a rise out of you and I'm sorry about that." Dinah told her other mate.

They many not seem like it but the three girls loved each other and through all the bickering and fighting they wouldn't change it for anything else. 

Back up stairs, (Y/N) was clinging to Lauren with her eyes squeezed shut as sobs echoed through the room. Her muscles ached and her chest constricted as her head felt like exploding from the amount of crying she had done.

"M-make it s-s-stop Lauren!" she yelled as Camila, Demi and Selena entered the room with sympathetic smiles on their faces, causing Lauren to let out a sigh of relief. 

She knew (Y/N) wouldn't last much longer and she's grateful they could get here on such short notice.

"I will baby, I will. Just a little longer." Lauren mumbled into her hair, placing kisses on the top of her mates head as Selena and Demi walked further into the room.

"Baby this is Demi and Selena, they're going to help us. Okay?" Lauren asked gently, receiving a nod from the sobbing girl.

"Sel, can you do a check up on the girl please?" Demi asked her mate. 

"Yeah, no problem." Selena told Demi. Selena was the salutary of their pack as well as the Luna. 

Selena slowly moved over to the bed. "Can you turn her over?" Selena asked as Lauren frowned at her. 

"I'm not sure..." Lauren told her, looking over to Demi to see if she had anything to say.

"Let's try them, hm?" Selena asked, receiving a nod from Lauren.

As soon as Selena started to pull (Y/N)'s shoulder towards her to lay her on her back, (Y/N) screamed out in pain. Everything hurt so much, her muscles ached and cramped, she could feel them tensing and untensing. 

"STOP, STOP! IT HURTS!" (Y/N) screamed as Demi and Selena looked at each other highly concerned while Lauren held back the tears brimming in her eyes.

"Please baby, you have to lie down." Lauren begged as sobs racked (Y/N)'s body. 

"Alright, let's try this again. Demi next to me, Camila next to Lauren. We're going to turn her on her back as quick as possible. Demi, Camila, you take her legs. Lauren and I will have her shoulders." Selena told them all.

After they all got into position Selena looked at everyone to make sure they were ready.

"On the count of 3, okay? 1...2...3!" Selena yelled.

As soon as they applied pressure to her limbs cried of agony filled the entire house, calming down once she was on her back and the girls let go and backed away. 

"Fuck..." Lauren mumbled, moving away from the bed teary eyed, as her hands pulled at her hair.

As Lauren paced the room, Selena shifted over to Demi. "Demi I don't even need to check up on her to know this is really fucking bad. Every minute we waste she's at risk of dying, Lauren needs to bite her right now..." She mumbled to her mate.

"I know Sel but I don't think her body can deal with the venom right now, look at her. She's too weak." Demi told Selena as they both turned to look at the girl who's breathing was ragged and who wore a tear stained face.

"Look, she needs a few hours. Put her on an IV and see if we can get some food into her system. Once that's done we will see if she's ready for the bite." Demi told Selena, receiving a nod as Sel went to grab the things required from Ally's office.

"L-Lauren?" (Y/N) croaked out, trying to focus her eyes as she looked around the room.

"I'm right here (Y/N/N). I'm here." Lauren told her mate as she shot over to the bed, holding her mates hand.

"God I hope this works..." Demi mumbled, letting out a sigh.

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