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(Y/N) looked on in horror as she watched the girls ate pretty much raw deer. They decided to 'cook it' a little to make (Y/N) feel better, but that literally meant putting it on the stove for 10 seconds each side, it was practically blue. 

(Y/N) opted for a steak instead of deer, something about 'not being a wolf', and had her steak cooked medium well-done. The girls were disgusted by her way of cooking the steak but decided against voicing their opinions as they ate in silence.

(Y/N) kept her eyes down at the dinner table, focusing on her steak and solely her steak. She didn't want to look at the bleeding meat around the table that they were eating.

Lauren picked up on the girls behaviour and placed a reassuring hand on her thigh, hoping to ease some of her uneasiness. 

"You good?" Lauren asked the girl beside her. (Y/N) visibly paled as she looking up and caught sight of Dinah taking a bite of her deer.

"I think I'm going to be sick." The Australian mumbled, quickly excusing herself from the table as she ran to the upstairs bathroom to deposit the content of her stomach.

"What'd I do?" Dinah asked with her mouthful of meat, causing Normani, Ally and Camila to cringe at the sight.

"You scared her away with your bad manners and eating habits is what you did." Normani told the girl and Ally and Camila noded their heads in agreeance .

Lauren looked to where the girl had disappeared to, hearing the bathroom door slam as her mate got upstairs. 

"I'll be back..." Lauren said, quickly starting off after her mate.

As she made her way upstairs she knocked on the bathroom door. "Babe are you in there?" She asked, the sound of dry retching as her reply.

Deciding to enter she saw (Y/N) heaved over the toilet having already emptied her stomach, her body making sure there was nothing left.

Lauren knelt down next to her and rubbed her back as she moved her hair out of the girls face.

"Get it all out babe." Lauren said, comforting the girl.

After another minute or two, (Y/N) closed the toilet lid and flushed the content down the drain. "That was disgusting..." She told Lauren.

Her mate nodded and checked her temperature. "You're a little warm, I think you might be coming down with something. I guess it wasn't just Dinah's bad table manners, huh?" Lauren asked in a light joking manner.

"Guess not." (Y/N) replied, looking up at her mate as she sat on the floor of the bathroom.

Lauren helped her up, (Y/N) leaning on her as she brushed her teeth before Lauren helped her into bed. 

"I'll be back in a second, I'm just going to grab you a drink and talk to Ally." Lauren told (Y/N) as she moved her hair off the girls forehead, getting a nod in return.

Walking back downstairs Lauren was met with Dinah eating the rest of the deer she left on her plate. "You didn't want this did you?" She asked her Alpha sheepishly causing her to laugh. 

"You're all good D, Ally I need to talk to you." She said, addressing the smaller girl at the table. 

"Sure Laur, what's up?" She asked, following Lauren to the kitchen as she got (Y/N) a bottle of water. 

"(Y/N/N) isn't feeling too good, I was wondering if you could take a quick look. She threw up and has a bit of a fever." She told the blonde.

"No problem Laur, let me just grab some stuff and I'll meet you upstairs, yeah?" She asked  her Alpha, receiving a nod before she walked off to her study, Lauren walking back to her room.

When Lauren made it back to her room (Y/N) was splayed out on the bed, the sheets and thin blanket lying on the floor next to her as a thin layer of sweat covered her.

Once seeing Lauren was back (Y/N) reached out while wearing a pout on her face, "cuddles please?" The Australian asked.

"Sure babe," Lauren told her as she walked to the other side of the bed, (Y/N) immediately cuddling up to her. 

Lauren wrapped one arm around her waist with the other running through the girls hair. It was obvious to Lauren that she would be a tad more clingy while sick but Lauren didn't mind. She like cuddles just as much.

"Hey laur, hey (Y/N/N)," Ally said upon entering the room, seeing the two girls cuddled up together.

"Hey Allysus." (Y/N) mumbled into Laurens side. 

"Can you tell me what's wrong (Y/N)?" Ally asked the sick girl, looking over at Lauren for some help.

"I don't know, I'm hot and cold, and I have a bit of a headache. My stomach and throat hurt a little too..." (Y/N) told the shorter girl.

"Lauren said you threw up as well?" Ally stated more than asked but waited for a reply.

(Y/N) nodded into Laurens chest, clinging closer to the girl seeking warmth. 

"Alright well I'm just going to do a check up on some things and we'll go from there, okay (Y/N)?" Ally asked the Australian and told Lauren. 

After a few minutes Ally was taking the girl temperature, "103.2ºF..." Ally said, giving Lauren an anxious look.

"I don't know if thats good or bad..." (Y/N) confessed. "In Australia we use celsius not Fahrenheit." She added. 

"It's not good," Ally told her after a few seconds. 

"You have a fever but it could be worse. You're all good for now but we need to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't go up any higher." Ally told (Y/N) but looked at Lauren to make sure she understood.

"Don't worry Ally I'll keep an eye on her." Lauren told her.

"Alright, well you have a tender stomach right now and your throat is a little red. With your headache and fever I'm assuming you've eaten something bad and you have food poisoning but I'm not sure what you could've eaten. All we can do for now though is wait it out and make sure your fever goes down and not up.

I'll go grab a cold pack to cool your body down." Ally told them making (Y/N) whine slightly as she was cold, not hot. Why couldn't they get her a warm blanket?

Soon Ally was back and pressing a cold pack to the girls forehead. Everytime (Y/N) tried to take it off Lauren would stop her or hold it to her head. 

Eventually (Y/N) gave up on trying to remove it and decided to cling to Lauren for more warmth, Lauren playing with her hair.

Soon (Y/N) was asleep and Lauren waited to see if her fever would go down. She doesn't know what'll happen if it doesn't...

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