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(Y/N) woke up from her unexpected nap to voices outside her door. 

"What's wrong with her?" One voice asked. 'Lauren?' (Y/N) thought as she tried to blink the sleep away.

"Her body is going through a big change, Lauren. She's not only a new wolf but her body is having to drastically change for the pups inside her. It's a lot for one person to take on especially in only four and a half months." The other voice spoke.

"Well how to we fix it. There must be something we can do!" Lauren yelled.

"There's nothing Lauren, we just have to let her body work through it and hope she come out okay. She's having a litter, Laur. That's big for anyone and she's doing it in half the time a human would." The voice stated calmly. 

There was silence for a few seconds before a bang sounded through the house, Lauren storming into their bedroom looking mad. 

"Lo?" (Y/N) asked from the bed, Lauren head whipping around at her mates voice. 

"Hey, pup. How are you feeling?" The Latina asked concerned, walking over to the bed.

"Better." (Y/N) said honestly. "Still a little achy but definitely better." She reassured her mate, Lauren letting out a sigh of relief as she sat down on the bed next to the Australian.

"Good. That's good." Lauren said, running her fingers through her hair as a stress reliever before pulling her mate close, breathing in her scent.

"Who were you talking to?" (Y/N) asked after a few minutes.

"Huh?" Lauren said, snapping out of her daze.

"Outside, I heard you talking to someone." (Y/N) said again.

"Oh, that was Ally. She was filling me in on what happened." Lauren said, pulling her closer again.

"What'd she say?" (Y/N) asked hesitantly, hoping her ears had deceived her and that she missed something.

"She said your body is just going through some changes for the pregnancy and that it happened to all she-wolfs." Lauren said, resting her hand on her mates stomach, trying to feel her pups.

"And?" (Y/N) persisted.

"And that there's a litter of pups in that belly." Lauren whispered, staring intently on the baby bump as she rubbed it gently. 

"A litter?" (Y/N) asked, Lauren nodding her head to the question. "There's a lot...?" She said nervously.

"Maybe, but we can handle it. We can handle anything as long as we're together." Lauren said as she kissed the Australians temple. (Y/N) closing her eyes to soak in the sparks that shot through her body and the scent of her mate.

"You really believe that?" The (Y/H/C) asked.

"With all my heart and soul." Lauren said without missing a beat, nuzzling the other girls cheek as she comforted her mate. And it worked, letting out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding, (Y/N) relaxed into Laurens embrace and felt a little bit better about the whole situation.


A few more weeks had passed and (Y/N) was about to enter her third trimester. Her body had gone through it's changes, some days better than others, and Lauren was struggling to keep up with the pregnant woman.

Her emotions were everywhere, she wanted orange slices and raw meat but the sight of blood made her vomit, she wanted cuddles and love yet she didn't want to be touched. Lauren didn't know what to do. 

(Y/N) was feeling like a hurricane and like Lauren didn't want her anymore because she looked like a beluga.

"Lauren am I fat?" (Y/N) asked as Lauren cut up some meat for her mate.

"What? Why would you ask that?" Lauren said, turning her full attention to the (Y/E/C) eyed girl across from her.

"Because look at me!" (Y/N) yelled, her eyes filling with tears quickly.

"Honey, you're not fat. You're carrying pups, you're bound to get a little big. But you are beautiful and I love you everyday, now even more so because you are bringing my children into the world." Lauren told her sincerely, pulling her mate in for a hug, relieved that the Australian reciprocated the hug and hadn't pulled away.

It was exactly what (Y/N) had needed to hear from her mate at the moment. Basking in the comfort of Laurens touch and smell.

"Here, eat your lunch. You're eating for more than one now" Lauren said as they broke apart.

"Okay, thank you baby." (Y/N) told the Latina, pressing a chaste kiss to her mates lips before sitting down. 

Lauren beamed her biggest smile. That was the first kiss they'd had in weeks.

"You're coming up to three months soon." Lauren said as (Y/N) ate. "You'll have to be in your wolf form until they're born after that." She added.

"What? You don't think my wolf is pretty?" (Y/N) said frowning.

"No, I think your wolf is gorgeous.  I'm just reminding you." Lauren quickly reassured.

"I think your pretty," (Y/N) said smiling.

"Thank you, pup." Lauren said, reciprocating the smile as she placed her hand on her mates thigh.

"Will you be in your wolf form too?" (Y/N) asked after a few minutes.

"Sometimes, beautiful. But sometimes I'll be have to be human too." Lauren said sympathetically as she rubbed her mates thigh.

 "Oh... That's okay. You'll still be here, right?" (Y/N) asked.

"Of course, pup!" Lauren said without a second thought. 

"Good!" (Y/N) declared before continuing to eat her oranges and meat.

Lauren kissed her mates temple with a smile before standing up and cleaning the kitchen. "Ally will be here soon for your check up. If all is good, you might shift today." Lauren said as she stacked the dishwasher.

"Fun," (Y/N) said with a mouthful of meat. Lauren refusing to cringe at the sight as she knew from past experiences not to cringe at your pregnant mate, no matter what they were doing.

Just then there was a knock at the door, startling the pregnant she wolf as (Y/N)s eyes flashed to their vibrant blue.

"It's okay, it's just Ally." Lauren told her calmly, walking over to the door to greet her friend.

"Hey Mama Als. Thanks for coming. I know you and the girls must have your hands fully with Camz and the renovations." Lauren said as she greeted the older girl.

"Yeah it's a little tiring. Mila's repulsed by bananas, the smell of them makes her throw up. Poor girl." Ally said shaking her head.

"But Camz loves bananas!" Lauren yelled.

"Yeah, she still does. You should see her, trying to eat them still even though it ends horribly. Vomit and tears nearly everyday..." Ally told her Alpha as she both shook their heads.

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