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Lauren hummed beneath (Y/N) as she ran her fingers through her mates hair. (Y/N) was nearly asleep as everyone came walking into the room, Demi nodding at Lauren.

"It's time." Demi told Lauren, Selena standing proud by her side as the rest of the girls, Dinah, Normani, Ally and Camila, were terrified of what would happen if it didn't work.

"Are you sure?" Lauren asked Demi, the other Alpha nodding in return as Selena made her way over to take out (Y/N)'s feeding tube.

"Pup, it's time to get up." Lauren whispered to her mate as she sat up, causing (Y/N) to grumble. 

"Do I have to?" (Y/N) asked, having zoned out, listening to her mates heart beat for the past 40 minutes. 

"(Y/N/N) it's time." Lauren told her mate, making (Y/N) shoot up despite her bodies protest. 

Looking around the room she noticed the others staring at them. 

Subconsciously (Y/N) reached up, rubbing where her shoulder and neck meet. She jumped when she felt a light kiss on her neck as Selena gave her a warning look, removing the tube, "don't move." She told the Austalian

"It's just me, relax." Lauren told the nervous girl.

"C-can I talk to Camila for a minute please?" (Y/N) asked the green eyes girl as Selena moved away having removed the feeding tube successfully.

"Sure pup, just call us back when you're ready." Lauren told her, confused as to what they needed to talk about. 

Sliding out from under (Y/N), Lauren made her way out of the room, Dinah, Normani and Ally following behind the Alpha's and Luna.

Once the door was closed Camila walked over to the bed where (Y/N) was sitting up. "What'd you want to talk about?" Camila asked.

"I don't think I can do this..." (Y/N) whispered out. 

"What?! What do you mean you don't think you can't do this???" Camila asked in shock.

"I mean, Sh-she's going to bite my neck! I mean, does it hurt? What am I thinking, OF COURSE IT'LL HURT! An-and then what?! I die or turn into a wolf? Camila I don't know what to do..." (Y/N) confessed, burying her head into her handa on the verge of tears.

Camila realised how scared (Y/N) was and looked at her sympathetically as she rubbed the girls back.

"I don't know if it hurts (Y/N)... I haven't found my mate yet, but I know it'll be worth it. Trust me, trust Lauren. She wouldn't do this if she didn't have to. She wouldn't do this if the con's out weighed the pro's. 

She loves you and by doing this you have a better chance at survival. You're right, you might die, but you're dying anyway, with or without this bite (Y/N). We've just slowed that down but it's still there, I know you still feel the pain.

We can't stop this, not without the bite. 

Not only will it save you but it'll strengthen the bond you have with Lauren 10 times plus. Those little tingles you feel when Lauren touches you or the comfort and safety you feel around her will increase. 

Lauren feels lightning bolts when she touches you, she's drawn towards your being, your scent, your mind, body and soul. 

You'll feel that to.

This isn't some high school relationship that's bound to end, this is your life partner. Your mate. You and her, forever. Your stuck with her. 

She loves you and wouldn't have it any other way. She wouldn't hurt you on purpose (Y/N)..." Camila told the girl who was now crying.

"Do you want Ally, Dinah and Normani to come talk with you? They've marked each other and can tell you more than I can?" Camila asked carefully.

(Y/N) could only nod at this point so Camila took it and hastily walked out of the room to look for the three girls.

Shortly after Camila had left the three girls barged into the room.

"Yo, Aus! What's happening?" Dinah asked. 

"Does it hurt?" (Y/N) squeaked out, her eyes puffy from crying.

"The bite?" Ally asked, looking at the girl concerned. (Y/N) nodded, looking at each of them.

"Only for a second..." Normani spoke up, Dinah and Ally agreeing with their mate.

"You promise?" (Y/N) asked sniffing.

"Pinky promise Aus." Dinah said, sticking out her pinky towards the sick girl.

(Y/N) laughed and took it, shaking their pinkies together. "You do realise if you lied I get to break your pinky now, right?" (Y/N) asked the she-wolf.

"WHAT?!" Dinah asked, slightly panicked. "You Australian's are brutal, breaking pinkies with broken promises." Dinah mumbled panicked.

"It'll be fine. We didn't lie, right girls?" Ally asked, receiving nods for her two mates. "Right," they both responded.

"Good, now would you like me to call Lauren back in?" Ally asked again, this time directed towards the Australian.

"Yes please..." (Y/N) whispered as she rubbed where her neck and shoulder met and where Lauren would soon be biting.

Downstairs Lauren sat on the couch jiggling her legs. "Fuck, can you honestly not smell that?" She asked Demi again, getting agitated.

"As I told you 7 seconds ago, no Lauren, I cannot." Demi told her calmly.

"What is it anyway?" Selena asked intrigued.

"I don't know," Lauren said, standing from her chair. "It's rich and sweet, kinda like mango but better." Lauren stated, looking around for the scent. It seemed to surround her. 

Looking down at her clothes Lauren pulled at her shirt and raised it to her face, sniffing it. 

"God, it's intoxicating." Lauren mumble, breathing in the scent from her shirt as her eyes flashed their royal red. 

"I think someone might be in heat." Selena said to Demi, watching Lauren amused. 

"I agree, she couldn't have had more perfect timing either." Demi told Selena.

Just as Lauren was about to jump in on the conversation, Dinahs voice echoed through the house. "Lauren, she's ready." Dinah told her Alpha, causing Lauren to run upstairs, following the rich scent. 

Opening the door Lauren made eye contact with her mate, the source of the intoxicating scent that filled her nose. 

All of (Y/N)s worried and doubts washed away as she looked into those green orbs she called home. 

"You're driving me crazy.." Lauren mumbled under her breath as she used her body weight to push the door shut, locking it soon after.

"I tend to have that affect on people." (Y/N) replied.

"And who exactly are these people, you're affecting? Who exactly do I need to kill?" Lauren husked, her eyes zeroing in on her mate, now a royal red colour.

"The only one I care about is you..." (Y/N) told her mate, slightly intimidated by the red eyes and the way Lauren was looking at her like she was a 5 course meal. 

"Good." Lauren told her, making her way towards the bed, her wolf instincts kicking in as she studied her mates behaviour.

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