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"Does it taste good?" (Y/N) asked the Latina.

"Yeah, it taste amazing (Y/N)." She replied.

"What does it taste like. Sweet, sour, is it juicy?" The (Y/H/C) asked, her hands gripping her chair.

"It's sweet and juicy, sooooo fresh (Y/N/N)." She told the Luna. "How about my banana? I ate yours you eat mine." The Latina added.

"Okay, okay, fine." The Australian told the Beta through the Skype call.

(Y/N) and Camila were currently invested in a Skype call. They couldn't deal with their pregnancy with holding their favorite fruits.

Camila missed her bananas and (Y/N) missed her pineapples, the girls agreeing to Skype each other while they each ate each others favorite fruit (thank God bananas didn't make (Y/N) wanna throw up, or pineapples wanna make Camila hurl).

Sure, they were torturing themselves. But the girls wanted to eat their fruit and be happy. Unfortunately their brains were bi-polar and sending mixed signals. 

One minute it's crying out for a banana (literally), the next it's gagging at the smell and sending stomach acid and food up the girls throats.

Then, of course, there were more tears...

Peeling the banana, (Y/N) brought it up to her mouth to take a bite.

"Slower (Y/N)!" Camila screamed through the computer.

Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) slowed her movement, sliding the banana into her mouth.

"Slower...." Camila growled, watching the girl through the screen.

Slowing her movements a fraction more, (Y/N) finally took a bite, chewing before swallowing. 

This continued for one and a half bananas, Lauren sitting frozen at the opposite end of the table.

She had been reading earlier, but chanced a glance and hadn't looked away since. 

Palming her tight jeans, Lauren shifted uncomfortably, letting out a small whine. 

"(Y/N) slow down again or I'm going to rip your throat out!" The younger Latina growled. 

Sliding the remainder of the banana into her mouth, (Y/N) finished it off, looking over the screen to Lauren. 

Once their eyes met, Lauren was out of her seat and across the room, slamming the laptop screen shut before standing in front of her mate in a matter of seconds.

Neither said any words, just staring at each other for a few minutes. 

They hadn't talked about where there relationship stood during this pregnancy and if there were certain boundaries (Y/N) would prefer to set.

Of course, the blue eyed werewolf wouldn't dare say a word though, she wanted to see if the Alpha would do anything.

"You're nervous." (Y/N) observed. "Your heart beat is going really fast." She added.

Lauren swallowed the lump in her throat before sending her a single nod. She was. She could practically smell the nerves coming off herself.

"Why?" The Australian asked, curious as to what was going through her mates mind.

"I'd like to know if your okay with it." Lauren signaled between themselves. "I understand you're a pregnant she-wolf and if you'd prefer not to do anything during this time, I'd fully understand." Lauren told her, the (Y/H/C) snorting at how formal Lauren was sounding.

"You make it sound like your proposing a business contract." (Y/N) said laughing. 

Lauren let out a slightly impatient growl, staring down her mate. 

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