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Racing down the stairs ahead of Lauren, (Y/N) shoved her way to the front of the group, her eyes tearing up at the beautiful sight in front of her.

A plate of bacon stacked sky high. "It's beautiful." She whispered, causing Normani and Dinah to nod their heads, agreeing with the human.

Looking around the kitchen (Y/N) saw Dinah and Normani behinder her, eyeing off the bacon. Lauren and Ally standing off to the side talking.

"Dinah can you get the juice out of the fridge and Normani can you grabs some cups." The Australian asked.

"Sure." They both said, turning around to grab what she asked of them.

Once they'd turned around (Y/N) took this as her cue, grabbing the plate of bacon as she sprinted up the stairs and locked herself in Laurens room, Normani and Dinah's shouts filling the house as they powered up the stairs to where she disappeared. Lauren and Allys cackling in the background.

"(Y/N) you better open this door or I'm going to give you a poly beat-down!" Dinah screamed at the door.

"You didn't want it till I suggested it!" She screamed back at Dinah, feeling a sudden burst of confidence as she was safe behind locked doors with the love of her life, bacon. No, Lauren wasn't in the room.

"Don't make me kick down this door!" Normani yelled, "you better not!" following from downstairs, either from Ally or Lauren.

(Y/N) began eating the bacon, slowly making her dint in the mountain of meat.

Soon footsteps echoed up the stairs, waffling over the whines coming from Dinah and Normani.

"Back up guys." Lauren said, the two girls following alphas orders as they stepped away from the door.

"Babe, don't you think you should give them a little bit of bacon?" Lauren asked through the door.

"....How much is a little?" (Y/N) asked hesitantly, causing Lauren to smile.

"Like, one piece." Lauren persuaded, just hoping for her to open the door.

Sure enough, Lauren heard the familiar click of the lock, a smirk covering her face and the Australian peered out into the hallway.

"I have considered the option of giving away my bacon and I've deemed it unfair." She said, attempting to sound official. "I will, however, be willing to trade some of my lovely bacon for juice." She added causing Dinah to bolt down the stairs to get her the damn juice.

Once Dinah had the juice in hand she passed it to her alpha as she made the trade. (Y/N) smirked at her mate, holding out a plate that now, only had half of its original content on it.

Slowly trading juice for bacon, (Y/N) leaned out the door slightly, getting closer to Lauren. "Thanks for the juice." She said, before placing a chaste kiss on her lips, shutting the door and locking it. Leaving Lauren standing there frozen, bacon in hand.

Dinah and Normani waited impatiently for their alpha to snap out of it, soon giving up as one of them snatched the plate out of her hands and walked back to the kitchen, leaving Lauren standing in front of a closed door.

Finally coming to her sense Lauren shook her head. "Are we not going to talk about this?" She asked the door.

"What's there to talk about?" (Y/N) asked cheekily through the wood.

"A LOT!" Lauren yelled causing the other girl to laugh.

"And would I be talking to Lauren or a puppy?" She asked again.

"What would you prefer, option A or B?" Lauren asked, desperately just wanting to be inside the room and in her presence.

"Puppies are cute!" (Y/N) called from the other side of the door, Lauren picking up on the hint as she took off her clothes, folding them and leaving them on the floor as she shifting into  her wolf form.

The click of nails against the hardwood floor made (Y/N) smile as a slight scratching noise came from the door.

"Who is it?" (Y/N) called, answered with a whine from the wolf.

(Y/N) stuck a bit of bacon in her mouth, walking over to the door. Upon opening it she found Lauren in all her wolfy glory, sat like dog waiting for a command.

"Well hello there, aren't you just a big cutie!" (Y/N) cooed in her baby voice, not that Lauren minded, (Y/N) just called her cute.

Wagging her tail against the hardwood floor (Y/N) laughed at her reaction.

"You're just too cute, baby." (Y/N) said, threading her fingers through the inky fur as Lauren leaned into her touch.

"You want some bacon?" (Y/N) asked the wolf, her tail wagging frantically.

"Don't tell Dinah and Normani, okay?" She asked, causing the wolf to nod.

Trotting inside, Lauren took note of the small pile of bacon and the glass of juice that sat in the centre of the floor.

Plopping down next to it, Lauren sniffed the greasy goodness.

"Ah ah ah." (Y/N) said waggling her finger at the wolf. "Not yet." She told her, sitting next to the large puppy.

Taking  4 pieces off the pile she looked over at Lauren who was already staring at her.

"You really are beautiful." The girl mumbled while looking at the wolf. Soon realising what she had said, (Y/N) cleared her throat and pointed to the remaining small pile of bacon on the floor."Have at it." She said, watching the wolf scarf down the pig meat.

After waiting patiently for her mate to finish her own, Lauren nuzzled her mates cheek.

(Y/N) giggled and pushed Lauren's wolf form away from her face, "Laur cut it out, I'm still drinking my juice." She said, picking up the glass to finish off the remainder of the orange liquid.

Lauren whines once her mate had put the glass down. She wanted the girls attention. She knew she was needy but it was the other girls fault.

She can't just go around kissing her and calling her cute without expecting any repercussions, like a talk of some sorts.

"You're such a baby," (Y/N) said smiling, pulling the wolf into her as she hugged the gentle giant.

Lauren huffed in disagreement but ultimately let the girl embrace her, resting her head on the girls shoulder.

They sat there for a few minutes before being brought back to reality as Ally knocked on the door.

"Hey Laur, the limo company just called, they'll be here in an hour and a half. Make sure you're ready alright?" She yelled through the door.

(Y/N) decided to answer Ally however, as the wolf in front of couldn't. "Alright Allysus, we'll be ready!" She called, waiting as she heard the shuffling of feet getting further and further away.

"Alright Laur, play times over; let's get ready." (Y/N) said, pulling away from the hug as she stood up, causing the wolf to whine.

"Come on you big sook." She said again, urging the wolf to get ready for tonight.

Reluctantly Lauren finally shifted back and began to get ready as per request.

Tonight would be perfect.

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