Chapter 1

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Emma was dropped off by a taxi at St John's Memorial Hospital. She walked right into the building and headed towards the receptionist, who looked like she was in her early thirties. She said,

"Hi, I'm Emma Russell. Please do you have a patient named Raymond Russell?"

The lady looked through her computer and then looked back at Emma and said,

"Yes. He's currently in the ICU."

"Okay. If you don't mind, may I know the doctor handling his case?" Emma asked and the lady directed her to the doctor's office.

On reaching the doctor's office Emma knocked on the door and she heard a,

"Come in." by a deep masculine voice. She walked in and saw a male doctor who should be in his mid-thirties with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

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For the record, he was handsome for a doctor. He gave a polite smile on seeing Emma which she returned. He stood up from his seat and extended his hand to Emma and she took it.

"Hi, you must be Emma Russell, I'm Dr Steven. It's nice to meet you." He said and Emma replied saying,

"Thank you."

He offered her a seat which she accepted,

"So, about the patient named Raymond Russell, it looks to me that you're his sibling."

"Yes, I'm his older sister."

"Okay," he said.

"To be honest with you, your brother is in a very critical condition. He had some broken bones and lost a lot of blood,"

Emma was already on the verge of crying but held back her tears as the doctor went on speaking.

"That's not all, Miss Russell. He also got his heart punctured, and I'm sorry to say this but if he doesn't get operated on as soon as possible, he'll die."

Emma couldn't hold it anymore, she started crying her eyes out as she wouldn't even want to imagine herself losing her only family left. The doctor allowed her to get her composure.

Emma sniffed and picked the courage to ask the doctor what was required for the surgery and he replied,

"Well, the heart was damaged and I don't think it would be any easy getting it to function like before so I would suggest the best option and that would be to undergo a heart transplant as soon as possible."

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