Chapter 2

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The sun was just setting when Emma walked into the park and quietly sat under a tree trying to comprehend what the doctor said earlier. The park still had several people in it, teenagers were hanging out, some were making out, mothers were chatting while their kids were playing around with dogs, and some were on the swings, the sight brought back memories to Emma who couldn't believe that barely a day ago she had her family.



"Emma, you better get down here and help me make dinner, you know your dad is going to be home soon and we have to get everything ready before he arrives. So, you better stop whatever you're doing and don't ruin our family dinner!" Emma's mom yelled from the kitchen while trying to get the juice from the fridge.

"Sorry, babe. I gotta go cos mom has been yelling that I go help her out. We'll talk later about your love life, okay?.. Bye." Emma hung up and started her way down the stairs.

She walked into the kitchen to the sight of her mom moving from one end of the kitchen to the other. She was surprised to see the much work her mom had done.

"Seriously! Emma, we do this every Friday, you should know that."

"Sorry, mom. I was on the phone with Sarah. She was having some issues with Carl and she sounded so desperate, I couldn't just abandon her." Emma said pouting.

"Oh?! How is she doing?" Emma's mom asked while getting the cupcakes from the oven and handing them to Emma who placed them on the table.

"She still feels terrible but she'll come around."

"If you say so. Can you help me set the table?"

"Okay, Mom. Wow, this spaghetti bolognese looks tasty! Can't wait to have some."

Emma was taking the chicken salad to the table when Raymond ran past her almost causing the salad to almost slip from her hand.

"Watch where you're going, Ray!" She yelled.

As soon as she placed the cupcakes on the table the front door opened revealing Emma's dad, who just arrived from work.

Raymond ran to hug his dad.

"How's my champ doing?" His dad hugged back.

"Fine, Dad. I'm so excited summer break has finally come and we'll all go on the trip to California you promised."

"Raymond! Let's have dinner first then we can talk about that later." Mrs Russell exclaimed while walking up to her husband kissing him on the lips

"Hi, Dad," Emma greeted her dad.

"Hey sweetie, how was your day at work?"

"It was a little hectic but fine."

"Okay boys, go upstairs and wash your hands then let's have dinner cos I'm sure I'm not the only one starving," Mrs Russell said.

They all sat at the table to have dinner which they do every Friday, it was a family ritual for the Russells since they hardly ate together as a family due to work.

Emma looked so much like her mom, very beautiful with long straight black hair, dark brown eyes, and pink plump lips, while Raymond looked like his dad who had brown hair and blue eyes.

Emma is 22 years old, just graduated from college, and worked in a fancy restaurant as a waitress. She's 5ft5 inches tall and has a normal body size. She was single at the moment.

Raymond is 12 years old in eighth grade, plays football, and is a bit tall for his age. Mrs Russell was a teacher at their local high school. She teaches history in tenth and eleventh grade while Mr Russell works as a real estate agent.

"About the trip,"  Mrs Russell began,

"Honey, have you been granted the leave?" She asked her husband.

"Yes love, I have. So, all that's left now is booking the flight tickets and packing."

"Woah! You guys are forgetting that I work and I'm not as privileged as you all who get summer breaks or granted leaves cos I just got this job and I'm not ready to lose it. So, I don't think I'll be joining you on this trip, maybe next time." Emma said.

"That's too bad cos you'll be missing out on all the fun." Raymond mocked.

"Stop that, Raymond!.. Well, that's sad because we wanted to do this as a family but it's understandable cos your job is at stake here. Oh well, maybe we'll plan something out for you but you most certainly won't miss the next trip we'll all be taking."

"I hope so, mom. I hope so."


That was the last dinner Emma had with her family. She had been so deep in thought that she didn't realize it was already dark. She stood up, dusted her pants, and started heading home.

Emma arrived at her house which is a simple three-bedroom bungalow. She walked into the living room and sat on the couch feeling so alone. It was at that moment that she told herself she wouldn't just sit down crying over the death of her parents and the condition of her brother, she was going to do everything possible to raise the $400,000 required for her brother's surgery.

She headed to her room, took a shower, and laid on her bed.

"Oh God, where do I start from?"

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