Chapter 18

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Richard woke up the next morning and took a quick shower. He came out of the bathroom, glad that Tracy hadn't woken up yet. He quickly got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Good morning, sir. Breakfast is ready." Anna greeted.

"I won't be having breakfast. Could you please give me a cup of coffee?" Richard told Anna.

"And oh, Anna?... Please tell Victor to get the car ready."

Richard didn't want to run into Tracy after last night's encounter. Things were awkward between them and he couldn't risk going through that again this morning. He hurriedly drank his coffee and said goodbye to Anna.

Emma woke up to find only herself on the bed. She had never slept this comfortable in her life. She looked at the clock and saw that it was already 7:00 am.

"Oh, my God! How did I sleep this long?!" She rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. She got into the closet and managed to find a deep peach jumpsuit with a black platform.

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She concluded that she was going to go shopping today to get some casual wear. She went downstairs and was greeted by Anna which she returned with a smile. She had pancakes and orange juice for breakfast.

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Emma wanted to call Tracy there but decided not to, avoid getting caught by Anna, so instead she told her she was going shopping.

Emma left the mansion. She drove around the city thinking of which boutique to go to. After making her decision, within 2 hours she was done shopping. She walked to a fast food that was close by to have a snack. While eating, she tried calling Tracy but her number kept going to voicemail. She continued, hoping it would eventually go through but it didn't. After failed attempts to reach Tracy, she went back into the car and just sat there.

"What do I do now?" Emma asked herself, frustrated with the mess she was in. She finally concluded that she was going to do things her way. So, she started the car and headed home.

"Welcome back, madam. May I help you with your bags?"

"Yes, please. Thanks, Anna."

Emma didn't know how Anna would reply to what she was about to ask her.

" Um, Anna? "

"Yes, madam"

"Oh, never mind." Emma was fighting within herself if this was a stupid idea or not.

"Okay. Anna, I was wondering if you could you know... Um...,"

Anna stood with listening ears, waiting for Tracy to say something.

"I don't know if I should be asking this but, um... What's Richard's favorite food?"

Emma was already nervous about how Anna was going to reply, maybe she was overstepping her boundaries. Anna smiled warmly and told Emma,

"Madam, you could've just asked that without feeling nervous. I can't blame you for not knowing his favorite meal, besides you have only been married for 3 years. To answer your question, his favorite meal is lasagna. He loved that since he was a kid."

Emma was glad Anna didn't judge or criticize her in any way.

"Um... I was wondering if we could make that for dinner tonight?" It was more of a question than a statement. Emma waited for Anna's reply.

"Okay, madam. But first, let me take these bags to your room."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll help you with that so I can change into something more comfortable."

Anna was surprised at that statement, because what could be more comfortable for Tracy than what she was wearing now?

"Okay, madam. I'll start getting the items ready." Anna replied, handing the shopping bags back to Emma.

"Please, could you not start without me so we can do it together?" Emma asked

"Sure, madam. If that's what you want."

"Most certainly, yes. I'll be down in 10 minutes." Emma excitedly went upstairs and changed into a pair of denim shorts and a white crop top.

" Emma excitedly went upstairs and changed into a pair of denim shorts and a white crop top

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