Chapter 26

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Emma waited for Richard to leave for work before getting up from bed. She didn't want him to see her looking all messed up from lack of sleep. As soon as she noticed he had left, she started getting herself ready. She left the house without Anna noticing.

Richard's car was parked somewhere outside the mansion.

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He had told Victor to get some rest today because he wanted to know what Tracy was up to.

Who was going to visit her? He wondered.

As soon as he saw her drive out of the mansion, he followed behind but at a safe distance, ignoring the fact that she was the one going out instead of the so-called person coming over after he left.

Emma arrived and found a black BMW parked right in front of her house. Tracy came out of the BMW as soon as she spotted her Ferrari.

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Emma parked the car and took a deep breath before coming out of the car. Tracy took off her shades the moment she saw Emma with a baby bump.

"Emma, what's this?" Tracy angrily asked.

"Tracy, I-I can explain."

Before Emma could say anything else, she felt a sting across her face. Tracy just smacked her and she didn't even realize it.

Richard was shocked at the sight before him, he couldn't believe that he was seeing two Tracys'.

"I leave you for seven months with my husband and this is what you do? You ungrateful whore!"

Emma was already in tears.

"I tried calling. I had no idea what to do when I couldn't reach you."

"Just shut up, you liar! You expect me to believe that bullshit?!"

Tracy knew that Emma was telling the truth but she didn't want to let her off that easy.

" What's going on here?"

They both turned their heads toward the direction of the voice, shocked to see Richard standing right before their very eyes.

"I asked a question. What's going on here?!" Richard was already angry and needed answers.

"Richard, I can explain-" Emma began, but before she could finish, Tracy cut her off.

"Explain what? That you've been impersonating me all this time without my knowledge?"

Emma was shocked at Tracy's accusation. She couldn't believe that Tracy who devised the whole thing would frame it all on her.

"Richard, that's not true!" Emma tried to explain, already in tears but Tracy couldn't risk Emma saying a word.

"Just shut up, okay? You lying bitch!"

Richard didn't even know what to think anymore. He was already sick from the sight before him. He couldn't believe he had been with another woman for the past seven months, no wonder she was extremely different. He felt so stupid not to have noticed. A lot of thoughts were running through his mind right now but he wouldn't let them see how weak all of this has made him feel. He turned to Tracy and said,

"Tracy, you better have a good explanation for this! "

After that, he left. Tracy turned to Emma.

"I don't want to see you and that thing inside of you anywhere close to my house or husband."

Emma was frightened by her threat. She watched as Tracy got into the BMW and drove off.

Emma went into her house, and at the sight of everything inside, she started crying all over again and wished that everything happening was only a dream and that she would wake up to see both her parents and brother. She also wished she hadn't been involved in all this mess, Richard must hate her right now.

Richard drove back home. He stayed in his car still trying to comprehend what just happened. After a while, he decided to go inside the house. As he was walking in, he noticed the black BMW which Tracy had come out from earlier driving into the compound. He didn't even bother to look, to know if it was Tracy or not, he angrily walked into the mansion.

As Tracy noticed Richard walking in, she started calling.

" Richard, wait up!" But he didn't answer her, so she ran after him into the house.

"Richard, didn't you hear me calling you back there? Why didn't you just answer me?" She questioned.

"You better shut up and start explaining to me what that was all about!"

Tracy was startled

"Oh! Is this how you want us to talk? Well fine! We'll talk this way!" she yelled back at him.

Anna heard the sound of cars and before she knew it, she started hearing Richard and Tracy's voices. It sounded like they were having a fight and she wondered what brought this up again. She thought they were past this months ago, so she decided to go see for herself what was happening. She left the kitchen and went to the living room and was shocked to see Tracy without her baby bump. She decided to listen to their conversation.

"I'm not the one who has been living with a stranger for months now,"

"What are you trying to say?" Richard questioned.

"I can't believe you were so stupid to think that Emma was me."

"So, you know her name? Yet you denied knowing her earlier?" he asked already fed up with Tracy's lies.

Tracy was dumbfounded by Richard's statement. She didn't know what else to say, so she angrily replied,

"You know what? I do know Emma and I asked her to do this because I'm tired, okay?! I'm fed up with this marriage, I can't even have a life of my own. I thought I loved you Richard but I was wrong. So, to get this over and done with, I need a divorce so we can both free ourselves from this sham called a marriage!"

Richard couldn't believe that Tracy was admitting this straight to his face. She wanted to just throw away all the years they've spent together. He wouldn't be surprised because if she could bring a stranger into their home to impersonate her, then ending their marriage simply meant nothing to her. All these years, she never loved him, so he must be terrible as a husband.

Richard just walked out on Tracy without giving her an answer.

"Richard, don't walk out! We aren't done talking!" Tracy yelled.

He got into his car and drove off. As Tracy turned around she noticed Anna staring at her surprisingly.

"What are you looking at?!" She yelled and headed upstairs to get her things and leave.

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