Chapter 16

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Dinner was ready on time. Emma was glad that Anna believed her but she was more grateful that she could help out in the kitchen, if not she would have been bored to death just sitting and waiting for her supposed 'husband' to get back. She got to know a few things about Anna, making sure not to ask too much in order not to raise any suspicions. She got to know that Anna had worked for Richard's family for over fifteen years now and she was like family to Richard.

After setting the table with Anna, Emma went upstairs to take a shower. She entered the bathroom and was astonished by how large it was. She walked into the bathtub and took a long bath, not just because she needed it, but also because she needed to think and prepare herself for her encounter with Tracy's husband or should she say 'her husband'. Emma got out of the bathroom after 30 minutes and walked into the closet to get something casual to wear but she couldn't find any. Emma sighed in frustration because she couldn't find any clothes matching her taste, so she ended up picking a tight sexy black dress with a pair of black stiletto heels. She hated herself at the moment because that wasn't her kind of fashion. She got dressed and had light makeup on, redid her curls, and headed downstairs.

 She got dressed and had light makeup on, redid her curls, and headed downstairs

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Emma sat in the living room already nervous. She had a lot of thoughts going on in her head as to why she ever accepted this offer, but she decided to look at the bright side of it. Her brother was going to have his surgery done and he'd be back with her. 

As all of those thoughts were going through her mind, she heard a car drive into the compound. She lost her composure and wasn't sure of what to do.

"Breathe Emma, breathe. Everything is going to be just fine. Don't freak out." she repeatedly told herself.

As soon as she calmed herself the door opened and a 6ft2, brown hair, light brown-eyed, pointed nose, slightly shaven, innocently and at the same time a wickedly handsome looking guy walked in. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a black tie. Emma didn't need to see him without his suit to know that his body was perfect. She couldn't help but stare because she only saw this kind of guy in the movies. She shook her head to restrain herself from drooling and also to come back to reality.

 She shook her head to restrain herself from drooling and also to come back to reality

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                                    This is Richard

"Um. You're back." She managed to say.

Richard halted in his steps. He hadn't even noticed that someone was in the living room, he was surprised to see Tracy home (or so he thought)

"Yes, " was all he could reply.

"May I help you with your briefcase?" Emma asked.

And this stunned Richard even more than the fact that he found Tracy's home.

"Since when did you care about helping me with my briefcase?" Richard asked.

Emma was shocked and at that moment, she realized that she had no idea what the marriage was like. Tracy didn't give her any details whatsoever as to what she was getting herself involved in. As she stood there thinking of a reply which she knew wouldn't come that easy because this wasn't Anna, Richard went upstairs and then Emma knew this wasn't going to be easy at all.

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