Chapter 20

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It's been two weeks since Emma started impersonating Tracy. Everything has been going smoothly between her and Richard and she was thankful that he didn't suspect a thing.

It's only three days left before Raymond's surgery, so Emma decides to go visit her brother before his surgery. She told Anna she was going out to see a friend which was a lie. She drove straight to the hospital and went to Raymond's ward. On her arrival, she saw a nurse doing some check-ups. She greeted the nurse and waited outside until she was done. The nurse came out of the ward and told her she could go inside. She thanked her and walked in, sitting in her usual spot in the room. She then kissed Raymond on his forehead.

"Hey, Ray. Sorry, I haven't come to visit in days. It's just that I've been busy impersonating Tracy," she chuckled.

"It has been going well and her housekeeper, Anna is a very nice woman. And her husband, Richard, is a handsome guy and he's kinda quiet too. Poor thing, it looks like Tracy has been giving him a hard time. But I've changed that, by trying to get closer to him and understand him... Okay, enough of that. I'm so excited that in three days, you'll finally be operated on. I can't wait to see you get better and open those gorgeous blue eyes of yours... I miss your company a lot, you know?" she said holding his hand.

"I promise, I'll be here when your surgery takes place, okay?" She was barely audible while saying this because she was on the verge of crying.

"Just promise me you're gonna be okay. I love you..." She continued.

"I have to go. I lied that I was going to visit a friend."And with that, she got up.

But, before leaving, she placed a kiss on her brother's cheek and whispered goodbye. She got back home, headed upstairs to freshen up, and tried to get some rest before Richard got back.

She woke up after some hours of sleep. She went to the kitchen to see if she could assist Anna in making dinner, but by the time she arrived, she saw that Anna was already done with cooking and setting the table.

"Wow, I must've slept too long! Sorry, I couldn't come down to help, I was really tired."

"No need to apologize, madam."

Emma gave her the look that said,  

'I've told you to call me Tracy when we're alone'

Anna realized that and corrected herself.

"I meant to say, Tracy," she said with a shy smile.

"This has been my work for years and besides you needed to rest. I'm being paid for this job."

"Well, you have a point there," Emma replied.

"So now, I'll just have to wait for Richard so we can have dinner."

"Yes, ma'am... I mean, Tracy." they both laughed.

Richard walked into the house after a long day at work. He was so exhausted because he stayed in his office late working. He was about to go upstairs when he saw a figure in the living room lying on the couch. He went over to see who it was, only to find out that it was Tracy. He was surprised and wondered why she decided to sleep on the couch.

Anna appeared in the living room and greeted him.

"Welcome home, sir."

Richard replied instead with a question.

"Anna, what's my wife doing on the couch?"

"I'm so sorry you had to see her here, sir. She insisted on waiting up for you. I tried convincing her to go upstairs but she refused. She wanted the both of you to have dinner together."

Richard was marveled by what he was hearing.

"It's okay. Here, take my briefcase upstairs while I  bring her up."

"Okay, sir."

With that, Anna took Richard's briefcase and headed to his room. He squatted to Tracy's level and tried waking her but she didn't budge, so he decided to carry her upstairs. He carried her bridal style. While climbing up the stairs, she started to stir in her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Richard's face. She said,

"You're back,"

"Shhhh. Just go back to sleep." Richard said lovingly.

She just nodded and put both her arms around his neck and closed her eyes.

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