Chapter 10

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Tracy stood up from the bed with the sheets wrapped around her. She went into the bathroom to have a quick shower before leaving. After about 15 minutes she came out looking clean. She picked up her clothes that were scattered on the room floor, and she was about to put them on when Tony stood up from the bed and went over to wrap his arms around her waist.

"Tony, I have to go before Richard gets back from work. I don't want to have another argument with him," she said while trying to free herself from his grip.

He loosened his arms from her waist and went to put on his pants. While doing that, he said,

"Won't you at least wait while I order something for us to eat before you leave?"

"I can't. Maybe some other time, okay?"

She was done with her clothes and makeup and was trying to fix her hair when Tony spoke up again.

"I have something planned out for us. I just need to know if you'll be ready to go ahead with it."

"Yeah? And what's that?" she asked, turning her full attention toward him.

"I've planned out a vacation for both of us, where we would travel around the world and I wouldn't want to do it without you."

"What?! Are you crazy?! How do you expect me to come up with an excuse for that long?"

"I don't know. Maybe you'll tell Richard you want to give yourself a break and go to visit a relative or something," he shrugged.

"Well, thank you, Mister, for coming up with such a clumsy excuse."

"I was just giving a suggestion, you're the genius in all this. I know you'd come up with something good but I promise if you go with me on this trip you won't regret it. Trust me." He replied smirking.

Tracy thought about it for a moment before giving him a reply.

"Okay. I'll think about it and see if I can come up with something really convincing, then I'll give you a call to let you know about my decision."

"That's my girl. Now, you better hurry along because you wouldn't want Richard suspecting a thing." He teased.

Tracy huffed irritably before walking up to Tony to kiss him and left.

While Tracy was driving home, her mind was filled with so many thoughts.

'How do I try to convince Richard without him seeing through my lies? Or do I just come up with me wanting to see a relative like Tony said? No, he'll just know I'm lying and start suspecting me.' She shook her head while thinking about it.

'I will just have to come up with something and I have to do it quickly because I don't want to lose the fun of travelling around the world. Besides, Richard is always busy with silly cases and doesn't even have time for these kinds of things. I just have to think fast.'

And with these thoughts, she and Emma's paths crossed which turned Emma's life around.

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