Chapter 17

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Richard walked into the bedroom, dropped his briefcase, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. While in the shower, he couldn't help but imagine how sexy Tracy looked in the dress she was wearing. He kept wondering what exactly went wrong in their marriage that turned them into being the way they are now. If things were different like when they just got married, nothing would've stopped him from taking her right there in the living room.

He got out of the shower and wore a white T-shirt and black sweatpants. He heard a knock on the door, so he went to get it. It was Anna, she came to let him know that dinner was ready and that Tracy was waiting for him in the dining room. Richard thanked Anna and closed the door. He began contemplating whether or not to go have dinner. This was weird and at the same time surprising, to find Tracy home, not to mention waiting for him so they could have dinner together. He wanted to just go to bed but his stomach was saying otherwise. So, he decided to go have dinner and just ignore Tracy.

He went downstairs and found Tracy at the table like Anna had said, but her expression was different and unreadable. Richard decided to ignore it and sat down. The table was filled with mouthwatering dishes.

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Anna served the meal and continued with her other duties.

The table was quiet. Richard stole glances at Tracy, who barely touched her food and he wondered why.

After dinner, he went to his study to review some of the cases he had at hand. While on that, his mind went back to Tracy. He needed his wife badly but he needed her to feel the same way so she wouldn't reject him. He dropped the files and decided he needed to get some rest since it was already late. He walked into the bedroom and found the bed empty but he heard the shower running, so he knew Tracy was in there. He got on the bed and a few minutes later, she walked out of the bathroom in a cream nightwear.

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She climbed on the bed, turned off her side lamp, and whispered 'goodnight' to him.

Richard thought to himself if what he had said earlier could've been the reason why Tracy was silent all through the night. He so desperately wanted to hold her or even say he was sorry or something else just to make things alright between them, but he decided not to so as not to say the wrong thing. Tracy has her days for drama, maybe, this wasn't her day, Richard concluded before slowly drifting to sleep.

Emma, on the other hand, tried to get some sleep but it was useless. She wondered what Tracy's marriage to Richard was like for him to reply the way he did earlier. She concluded that she was going to call Tracy the next day to ask her for some insight as to how her marriage to Richard was, so she wouldn't get caught because she couldn't risk going to jail. After hours of trying to get answers to her questions all inside her head, Emma turned to see Richard quietly asleep. She took in his face with much interest and wondered why Tracy couldn't be with her husband. He looked so innocent and from the few hours she had been with him, he seemed nice, even though they never got to talk. She stopped herself from staring any longer, reminding herself that this was someone else's husband and that she needed to get some sleep to prepare for what tomorrow would bring. She laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while before letting herself get consumed by sleep.

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