Chapter 22

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They were both cuddled up together under the duvet. Emma's head was on Richard's chest. Her thoughts were about what just happened between her and Richard. She couldn't believe she had just given herself to Tracy's husband. She had no idea why she didn't stop him, but at the same time, she didn't regret not stopping him. Richard was perfect. He knew exactly how to make a woman feel loved and protected at the same time. She could still feel butterflies in her stomach from the experience.

If only he knew she wasn't his Tracy. She wondered what his reaction would be if he ever found out. She didn't want him to find out, she just wanted to enjoy the moment.

"Tracy?" Richard brought Emma out of her thoughts.

"yeah?" She whispered.

"You have changed... This isn't the same Tracy I have been married to."

Emma became tense at his statement.

Has he discovered she isn't his wife? Oh God, she would surely go to jail! she panicked. She doesn't know if she should reply to what he just said or wait for his next reaction.

Richard, on the other hand, didn't say anything else. Instead, he waited patiently for Tracy's reply, that was if she had any for him.

"Why? Don't you like this Tracy?" Emma managed to ask. She hoped no action of hers had given her away that she wasn't Tracy.

"No, I love this Tracy I honestly do."

Emma was relieved at his reply and she thanked her stars that he hadn't noticed anything.

"I love you too, Richard, I love you."

Moments after that reply, Emma was consumed by sleep but she meant what she had just said. She had slowly fallen in love with Richard.

It's been four days now after Raymond's surgery. Emma had received a call from the hospital the previous night that she could visit her brother today, she was so excited. She was anxious for this day to come and it did. Emma hurriedly had breakfast so that Anna wouldn't have to question her so much. She then left for the hospital. When she arrived, she went straight to Raymond's room and sat beside his bed. He was still unconscious but she was thankful he was responding to treatment, so she was told by the doctor.

She held Raymond's hand in hers and kissed it.

"How is the most handsome man in the world doing? I was so happy when I was told I could come to see you since I couldn't do that before because you were under observation. How are you doing today?" She continued.

"I have something to tell you... I know if you were awake you would've scolded me," she chuckled

"I think I've fallen in love with Richard. I know I shouldn't but, it just happened. I know you can hear me and I hope you aren't mad at me. I tried to ignore my feelings but I just couldn't. That is why I'm praying for this to all be over soon... Tracy will come back and take her place and you will wake up, get discharged and we'll leave this city to start afresh somewhere else, without Mom and Dad." Emma sniffled back her tears

"Don't forget that I'll always be here for you, Ray. I love you so much. I just need you to wake up, please." She begged.

A nurse then walked in and said,

"Sorry miss, visiting hours are over."

"Oh, sorry. I'll be on my way now," she replied while wiping the tears from her eyes.

She stood up and gave her brother a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.

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