Chapter 15

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Emma drove to the address Tracy had written down for her. When she saw the environment, she marveled at the beautiful buildings on this side of the city. She came to a halt in front of the huge gate and pushed the buttons to provide the code Tracy also wrote down for her to use. The gate opened and Emma drove through it. Her eyes went wide at the mansion that came into her view. She murmured to herself,

"I wonder why Tracy would want me to do such a thing when she lives in so much luxury."

She stopped in front of the mansion, trying to compose herself by taking deep breaths before coming out of the car. She walked over to the passenger seat to get the bags out before locking the car door. She went through the main door and was immediately greeted by a maid. The woman looked like she was in her late fifties. She had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and was Emma's height, 5ft5 inches.

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"Good day, madam. May I help you with your bags?"

Emma was shocked but pulled herself together as she remembered Tracy telling her that the woman's name was Anna and she was the housekeeper.

"Thank you, Anna, but I can handle it. You can just go on with what you were doing," she replied with a smile.

"Okay, madam. Your husband called earlier on to say he would be home for dinner."

"Oh really? Why, thank you for the information."

"If you'll excuse me, madam," Anna said and left Emma's presence.

"That was close," Emma said, wiping the sweat that was starting to form on her forehead before heading upstairs.

"Okay. Tracy said the second door by the left is the bedroom," she thought out loud as she walked through the hallway, trying not to go to the wrong room.

She stopped in front of a door, dropping the bags on the floor so she would be able to open the door. She turned the knob and the door opened, revealing a beautiful master bedroom.

"Wow!" She exclaimed, staring at the room.

She carried the bags inside and closed the door. She placed the bags beside her and stood in awe of the room. She was taking in every bit of the view before her eyes. She was amazed at how massive the room was and how classic it looked with red being the dominant color.

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She decided to get herself settled in before this 'Richard', who was her supposed husband came back. So, she successfully found the closet and was amazed at how many clothes were in there.

"How can someone own this much and still go shopping every single day?"

She placed the bags in the closet and wondered what next to do. After much thought, she decided to go to the kitchen and maybe help out with something. After walking for about 10 minutes, searching for the kitchen, she eventually found it and saw Anna making dinner.

"Um, Anna? Can I help you with anything?" Anna stiffened at that question and Emma wondered if she had said something wrong.

"No-no ma-dam I can handle it." Anna stuttered.

"Did I say something wrong?" Emma questioned, trying to get Anna to say something, at least a hint.

"It's just... You've never been in here, madam, not to mention trying to help out. It's not like I want you to help because it's my job. It's just that you've never cared about what I did in the kitchen." Anna replied sincerely.

Emma was shocked and began to think of a reply.

"Um, wow. I must be that horrible." Emma tried to choose her words carefully so as not to say something stupid.

"Anna, what if we say today marks a new beginning in our relationship and I want to, you know... Get to know you and maybe, learn some new things from you, so at least once in a while I can make dinner for Richard myself." Emma kept her eyes on Anna, studying her expression.

"Look, I may have been horrible to you in the past... You don't have to say yes to my request so soon but, can you at least give it a thought?" Emma prayed that she was convincing with her words. She stood there waiting for a reply from Anna, who was staring at her like she had just seen a ghost.

"Madam, are you being serious?" Anna asked still surprised at what she just heard. Emma nodded a 'yes' because she wasn't sure she could make out any more words.

"Okay, madam. What would you like to help out with?" Anna finally replied with a smile.

As soon as Emma heard that, she let out a deep sigh she had been holding in.

"Thanks, Anna. So, let's begin before my husband gets back."

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