Chapter 9

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Emma was done with her laundry. She went into her room to do some cleaning when she heard her doorbell. She wondered who that could be, so she hurried downstairs to get the door. When she opened the door, she saw her best friend, Sarah, who was dressed casually.

"Hi," Sarah said.

"Hi, come in." Emma quietly said gesturing for her to come inside.

Sarah walked in and made herself comfortable on the couch in the living room.

"How are you doing? Have you had any luck yet on your job hunt?" She asked.

"Well, I haven't. I've been to so many places and still nothing. Even when I pleaded that I truly needed the job, all I got was 'I'm sorry but we aren't hiring'. The last place I went, I pleaded so desperately to the manager that he thought I was crazy and asked the security to escort me out." Emma said and chuckled.

"Sarah, I don't know what else to do and I don't want to lose Ray,"

Sarah went close to Emma and hugged her.

"It's okay. Everything is gonna be just fine, you'll see."

"When, Sarah? When? I'm tired of hearing that everything is gonna be okay. I'm desperate, Sarah!" She pulled herself away from Sarah's embrace and covered her face with her hands, sobbing.

Sarah looked at her best friend with pity. She wished there was any way she could help and comfort her but she knew that with what she was about to tell Emma, she'll be even more broken. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything about it.

"Emma," Sarah called. Emma lifted her teary eyes to look at her friend.

"I have something to tell you. I'm so sorry I'm saying this now, but I have to."

"Okay, but why are you apologizing?"

"Carl and l are leaving New York cos he got a better job offer in Washington. I wanted to tell you, but with everything that's been going on in your life I didn't want you to feel so alone."

Emma was shocked at this news. She has no idea how she would cope with her best friend leaving and she doesn't want to look selfish, so she muttered hesitantly,

"When are you guys leaving for Washington?"

Sarah sighed and said,

"In two days. I'm so sorry, Emma. I didn't want to leave you alone like this but I also don't want to lose Carl. You know how much I love him."

"It's fine. I understand," Emma said and smiled sadly.

"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. But promise me you'll give me a call as soon as you arrive."

"I will, I promise... Oh God, I'm gonna miss you so much, Emma!" Sarah was already wiping the tears she hadn't realized was falling from her eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you too."

"I have to be on my way so I can start packing," Sarah said as she stood up.

Emma did likewise and saw Sarah to the door. They hugged and said their final goodbyes and with that, Sarah was gone. That was the last time Sarah saw her best friend before she left for Washington.

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