Chapter 21

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Today was the day Emma had been waiting for, her brother was going to be operated on today and she couldn't wait to have him back in her life. Emma was so anxious about the whole thing, that she prayed silently that her brother would make it. Richard had already gone to the firm. Emma went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. She dressed up in black leggings, a white top with a black jacket, and a white canvas.

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She didn't have time to put on any makeup, she just ran down the stairs. While she was heading towards the door, Anna greeted her.

"Good morning, ma'am. Where are you off to in such a hurry without even having breakfast?"

Emma then realized that she hadn't told Anna that she was going out. She began to think of a convincing excuse to say.

"Anna, I'm sorry. I have to take care of certain things and I'm already late, so I won't be having breakfast. Could you not worry about lunch? I'll call you to let you know if I'll be having dinner."

That was all Emma could say because she couldn't think of anything concrete to come up with.

"Okay, madam, as you wish."

Emma didn't have the time to correct Anna with the name-calling, so she headed to her car and drove to the hospital.

On her arrival at the hospital, she noticed the nurses pushing a stretcher towards the operating room. She realized it was her brother, so she pleaded with them to give her a minute so she could kiss him. She did just that and told him to be strong and that she'd be right there waiting for him. As soon as she was done, they took Raymond into the operating room. She then saw Dr Steven and pleaded with him to please take good care of her brother.

"I will, Miss Russell. " Was his only reply and that was the beginning of Emma's restlessness.

After five hours of waiting, the door to the operating room opened and the nurses came out pushing Raymond's stretcher to the ICU. Emma couldn't behold her brother as she did before the operation. She saw Dr Steven and asked him how her brother was.

"The surgery was successful but the chances of survival are slim. I can't promise you anything. Right now, it all depends on your brother's ability and willingness to fight for his life."

Emma was devastated by that reply, she thought to herself if this was the kind of reply she was expecting after they had promised her that the solution to her brother's case was surgery.

"Can I go and see him?" That was all Emma could utter because she didn't want to break down in front of the doctor and seem ungrateful.

"I'm sorry that won't be possible for now. Your brother will be under observation for a couple of days before any visitors can be allowed to see him." Dr Steven replied.

"I think you should just go home and rest. You're already exhausted from waiting here all day." He suggested.

"Thank you," Emma said quietly and went out of the hospital praying, wishing, hoping that Raymond was going to make it.

She stayed in the car trying to get herself together before driving. She didn't want to get involved in an accident neither did she want Anna or Richard to notice how much of a wreck she was at that moment. After a while, she started the car and headed home.

Emma arrived home by 8:00 pm and didn't bother having dinner. She told Anna she wasn't hungry and to be honest, she wasn't at all hungry, she just wanted to take a long bath and go to bed, so she headed upstairs into the room and got to the bathroom. Immediately, she got into the bathtub and took a long hot bath, she stayed there longer than she had planned.

Richard arrived home and didn't find Tracy in the living room as he had always seen her in the past weeks. He was scared that everything had gotten back to how they used to, as he kept on wondering where she could be. Anna walked out of the kitchen to welcome him.

"You're welcome home, sir. Can I take your briefcase to the study?"

"Where is Tracy?" Richard asked her.

"She must be upstairs in the room. She arrived home a while ago."

"Has she had dinner?"

"No, sir. She said she wasn't hungry. Can I serve your dinner?"

"No thanks, I'm not hungry. You may return to what you were previously doing."

"Goodnight, sir"

Richard began walking up the stairs. He couldn't help but wonder why Tracy didn't want to have dinner. Maybe she had eaten something while she was out. He didn't want to overthink things, so he shrugged off all negative thoughts and headed to the room.

Emma didn't notice she had stayed too long in the bathroom. She wrapped a white towel around her chest and another on her hair and got out of the bathroom, just to see Richard walking into the room. He noticed her and began staring at her intensely. At that point, Emma realized she was just on her towel and she hated herself for wasting too much time in the bathroom. She wanted so badly to put on something but she wondered why she couldn't move her legs.

Richard slowly walked towards Emma and held her face. Emma melted at his touch. He slowly lowered his head and kissed her passionately. She didn't give him entrance when he swiped his tongue over her lower lip, so he stopped the kiss and stared at her as if begging for permission then he kissed her again. This time, the kiss was rough and hungry, aggressive and needy, then it later turned to a kiss that was passionate and loving, a kiss that said,

"I need you" in a pleading manner.

He pulled away for both of them to catch their breaths while gazing lovingly into her eyes and she knew at that moment that what was about to happen was more than a make-out session. He was about to make her feel what she had never felt before.

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