Chapter 12

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"Sorry, I took so long to get back. I had to run some tests on the patient."

"It's okay," Tracy replied,

"But, hold on. I thought you told me you'd be gone if I took too long. I thought it was Emma who would still be waiting for me, and not you."

"Well, I asked her to go see her brother instead of just sitting down here waiting for you to show up God knows when. It's better to keep her brother company."

"Really! I never imagined my cousin to be this considerate of others." Steven replied, folding his arms and looking at Tracy surprised.

"I'm hurt by what you just said, Steven," Tracy said while feigning a hurt look.

"What if I told you that I want to help that girl, Emma with the money needed to perform her brother's surgery? What will you say about that?" Tracy looked at Steven wiggling her eyebrows.

"What? You're joking right?!" Steven asked looking puzzled by what he just heard Tracy say.

"Nope, I'm damn serious. That's what kept me waiting."

"So, what made you decide that you needed to help Emma?"

She shrugged and said,

"Well, I dunno. I just thought that Emma is a nice girl who needs help and if I can be of help, why shouldn't I?" Tracy lied because she had something else in mind.

"Emma is a lucky girl. She will be so excited about this, I'm sure of that." Steven said.

"She sure is. So, what do I have to do to go about the necessary payments for the surgery so you guys can perform it as soon as possible."

"Okay. I'll give you the details right now and I'll also send for Emma so she can sign some papers."

"Okay. I don't have a problem with that."

You are amazing me right now, Tracy." He said while chuckling and shaking his head.

Emma went into Raymond's room and walked up to his bed, pecked him on his cheek,k and found a chair to sit comfortably by his bedside.

"Hey, Ray. I have good news for you. I met a nice lady today who wants to help with the payment for your Surgery. Her name is Tracy, she's really beautiful. I gave her my word that I'll do whatever she asked of me. I'm so happy that you'll soon wake up and join me at home where I'll make your favorite cookie and we'll watch your favorite cartoon together."

While saying all this, Emma was stroking Ray's hair, and then her phone rang. She looked and saw that it was Dr Steven who was calling, so she picked up the call.

"Hello, Dr Steven."

"Emma, I'd like you to come to my office so you can sign some papers and you'll get to know the day the surgery will be performed." Dr Steven said at the other end.

"Oh, okay. Give me 5mins and I'll be there." She hung up, then turned to Raymond's body and said,

"Ray, I'm going to sign some papers, okay? I'll be back. Love you." She kissed his forehead before leaving for Dr Steven's office.

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