Chapter 25

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Five months had passed since Emma found out she was pregnant. Richard was more than happy about the baby. He took a break from work and went on a trip with Tracy. He also went shopping for the baby. They went for various ultrasound tests which showed that the baby was developing just fine.

Emma didn't believe that the quiet Richard she knew could also be a fun-loving Richard. She had been treated like a queen for the past months and was already tired

They came back from their trip, and as Emma walked into the house she was engulfed in a big hug from Anna.

"Tracy, I'm so happy that you're back! How is the baby doing?" She asked while touching Emma's baby bump.

"I do feel sick sometimes but the doctor says it comes with pregnancy," Emma replied with a smile.

"I'm so happy to be back home and I also missed helping you out."

"Oh, Tracy! you need to get some rest now more than ever for yourself and the baby."

"Okay, Anna. I'll listen to you just this once cos I'm exhausted from the trip. So I'll just go upstairs and lay down." Emma went straight to her room while Anna went outside to welcome Richard who was receiving a call at the moment.

Emma lay on the bed and was about to get some sleep when her phone rang. She groaned at the sound of her phone, she didn't bother looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hello, Emma. It's Tracy." At the sound of Tracy's voice, Emma almost lost her balance.

"Tracy?" She managed to stutter.

"Yes, it's me, Tracy. I would like us to meet maybe... Let's say tomorrow?"


Richard was about to open the door to the room but stopped because he heard Tracy making a phone call she was sounding so nervous, so he decided to eavesdrop on her conversation.

" Um, okay. Can we meet at my house tomorrow? Let's say by 10:00 am when Richard would be at work."

"Okay" Tracy replied and the line went dead.

Emma was nervous, she became sweaty all of a sudden. She couldn't believe that Tracy had called her with the same number she had been trying to reach all these months.

"Are you okay?" Emma was astounded at Richard's voice, he raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer.

"Yes, it was.... nothing " she replied.

"Are you sure? You look worried. Is the baby okay?"

"Yeah, the baby is fine."

"Okay, get some rest." She nodded and laid back on the bed.

She was confused, she didn't know how she was going to face Tracy tomorrow because she knew it wouldn't turn out well.

Emma barely had any sleep that night because she was meeting with Tracy. She kept on staring at Richard while he was asleep, thinking,

"So, this is the end? I can't believe all of this was a fake. I'm sorry to have lied to you all this time. I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me..."

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