Chapter 19

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Richard was done with work that day and dreaded going home. As much as he wanted things to go back to normal between him and Tracy, he didn't want to go home today all of a sudden, but he had never slept out so he had no choice but to go home.

Emma was still in the kitchen with Anna when Richard arrived. He went upstairs to shower while she and Anna got the table ready for dinner. She decided that she would take a shower when she was done with dinner, so she went to the kitchen to help Anna clean up the place.

"No, Madam, you don't need to worry about that. I'll clean up the kitchen." Anna declined even when Emma insisted.

She had no idea that Emma was scared of having dinner with Richard after last night. She listened to Anna and went to the dining table while Anna went to call Richard. He came down after 5 minutes and was stunned to see Tracy wearing something different from what she was known to be wearing. To top it all, his favorite meal was on the table. He sat down quietly but was anxious about how tonight's dinner was going to be.

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Anna served the food and left, then the awkwardness began. Emma didn't want things to continue this way even though she didn't want to make any wrong statement to blow things up, but the silence was killing her inside.

"How was work today?" Emma managed to ask.

Richard became stiff at the question. If it wasn't just him and Tracy at the table, he would've thought someone else asked the question.

"It was fine," Richard replied.

Emma needed him to say something more at least.

Was the marriage that bad? She thought to herself.

"Richard? " She whispered and prayed he heard her, which he did.

"Um... If I have wronged you or said anything to hurt your feelings maybe in the past or right now, please forgive me. I want us to start all over again, and I promise to make things right this time." Emma didn't believe what she had just said.

Richard was speechless and shocked at the same time. He waited so long for this but he wasn't sure how to feel or what to say right now because he never expected it so suddenly. He abruptly stood up from the table and began going upstairs, leaving Emma disappointed. She regretted saying anything in the first place until she heard Richard say.

" I'm also sorry for everything."

She was happy, so happy and she didn't even understand why, but she knew this experience wasn't going to be as bad as she thought.

Emma woke up early the next morning to help Anna with breakfast  Richard came down as soon as breakfast was ready. They had breakfast together in silence, but it wasn't an awkward one like it was two nights before. Richard was done with his meal, so he stood up to leave for work.

"Richard, wait!" Emma called out. She walked up to him and stood right in front of him.

Richard wondered what Tracy wanted to say. Emma stood on her toes and gave him a peck on the lips before saying goodbye. Richard was excited internally but was also scared that this wouldn't last too long. He left after saying goodbye with a slightly shocked expression. Walking up to his car, he noticed Victor already waiting for him. Victor opened the car door for him while saying,

 Victor opened the car door for him while saying,

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"Good morning, sir."

Richard replied and got into the car.

As they were on their way to his firm, Richard was still thinking about Tracy this morning. He touched his lips and could still feel a tingling sensation. He only wished that she wouldn't go back into arguing with him.

Emma was proud of herself because of what she did. She felt butterflies in her stomach only thinking about it.

'Snap out of it, Emma. You know he isn't yours, so don't go start having feelings for him.' Her subconscious reminded her.

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