Chapter 13

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"Hey, Tony. I think I now have a solution to our little problem, so I'll be going on that vacation with you." Tracy said to Tony over the phone.

"Really? And what did you come up with?" Tony asked. From the sound of his voice, Tracy knew that he was smirking.

"It's my little secret. All you need to know is that I'll be going with you, so you better start booking our plane tickets and making hotel reservations."

"Okay, beautiful. Can't wait to finally be alone with you, without you running home to Richard for a long time." Tony teased.

"Who are you on the phone with?" Richard asked Tracy as he walked into the room.

"Richard just got home, I have to hang up now. Bye." And she hung up.

Tracy composed herself before turning to Richard, who was still waiting for a reply.

"I can't even make a simple phone call now, is that it? Well for your information, Detective Richard Connor, I was on the phone with Stella, Steven's wife. Happy now?" She lied while feigning to be mad at his question.

He sighed and walked up to her. She was sitting on her side of the bed.

"Tracy, I'm sorry. I know I was snooping around by asking such a question I-I thought, well... Forget what I was about to say."

"No, I won't, Richard. I need to know what you wanted to say," she replied in a fit of anger and stood up from the bed.

She turned to look at Richard and said,

"Oh, now I get it. You think I'm cheating on you right? For Christ's sake, Richard, how would you even come up with such a thing?!"

"I'm sorry. It's just... With the way you've been acting towards me lately, it looks like you're tired of this marriage and we don't even get to talk like normal couples do anymore." Richard said staring at Tracy like he was trying to find some answers as regards to his thoughts.

"No, Richard, you're the one who doesn't want to make this marriage work. You are never home when I need you to be. We never get to go on dates or travel,  but when I'm hanging out with friends, you get mad and say all sorts of things. You only care about your reputation. I'm tired of all this, Richard!" She yelled and left the room.

Richard was perplexed by all that just heard Tracy say. He lowered his head and sighed.

As Emma promised, she called Tracy the next morning and Tracy gave her an address. It was a restaurant somewhere on the quiet side of the city. Emma located the restaurant and walked in. She looked around for Tracy, only to find her with a scarf tied on her head with a shade on. Tracy waved at her and she went over to her.


"Hi, Emma. Would you like to order anything so I can call the waiter?"

"No, thanks. I'm fine." Emma replied looking at Tracy, still wondering why she disguised herself.

"Okay then, let's get to business. The reason I helped you with your brother's bills is because I need you to impersonate me for a while."

"What?!" Emma whisper yelled.

" do such a thing. What if the cops find out? They'll think I'm some kind of criminal and I'll go to jail for that. I'm sorry but I can't do it." Emma said and was about to get up from her seat when Tracy said,

"From the looks of it, I don't think you want your brother well again."

Emma paled at that statement and sat back. Tracy smirked.

"I thought as much... Now listen to me, I can still make that call and stop Steven from performing the surgery because from what I know, there's still a week before everything will be ready for the surgery."

Emma looked at Tracy disgustingly.

"So, all you have to do is, go live in my house for a while and pretend to my husband that you're me and Walah!"

"You think it's that easy? For starters, I don't even know you or how you go about your life, and what if your husband senses it and finds out that I'm not you?" Emma asked angrily.

"You have a point there, but don't worry about Richard, he's hardly ever home. He always has clients' cases to deal with and when he comes back, it's already late. So, instead of staying home all day, you can go to the hospital and spend some time with your brother before heading back home." Tracy explained, waiting for an answer from Emma, and from the looks of it, she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Emma started contemplating if she should or shouldn't go ahead with this crazy idea that this crazy lady in front of her had come up with but then again, she also didn't want to lose Raymond because she had no other option on how to get the money. So, she replied hesitantly,

"Okay. I'll do it."

"Great!" Tracy clapped her hands together smiling.

"All we have to do now is, get you a makeover and then I'll give you the address to my house so you'd go... Don't even think about ruining this for me if you don't want to lose your brother and go to jail. " Tracy warned.

Emma looked shocked but replied sadly,

"I won't."

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