Chapter 14

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Emma went home that day sad. She tried her best to get some sleep that night but couldn't. She tossed and turned after trying hard to sleep. She gave up trying and placed herself in a sitting position on her bed, it was 2:25 am by the time, she thought to herself.

"Oh God, what kind of a mess have I gotten myself into? I can't back down now, if I do I'd end up losing Raymond." She curled herself into a ball and started crying.

"What do I do now? Mom, Dad, why did the both of you have to leave Raymond alone? It's not fair! Why?!" She sobbed.

After some time, she stopped crying and said while wiping the tears from her face.

"I'll have to do it for Raymond. He's all I have left in this world and I don't want to lose him. I just have to be strong for the both of us."

                                             * * * *

Monday morning came so quickly for Emma as that was the day Tracy had said they would meet so she could have her makeover and start her job as an impersonator. Emma was so nervous about the whole thing. Tracy told Emma to give her her house address so she could come over to pick her up, which Emma did. Emma sat anxiously, nervously waiting at her house for Tracy until she heard the honk of a car. She peeped through the window and saw Tracy's red Ferrari outside. She sighed before going out to meet her. She got into the car after mustering up some courage and buckled up.

"Are you ready for this?" Tracy asked Emma feeling excited about the whole thing because she could have her freedom for some time. Emma just shrugged.

"Oh well! Let's get this over and done with." Tracy said while turning on the car engine and it roared to life.

They first went to a salon where they dyed Emma's hair from black to Tracy's hair color brown and they styled it to Tracy's signature curls. After that, they went over to the makeup section where they gave Emma Tracy's kind of everyday makeup. When they were done, Emma looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe what she was seeing, she looked so much like Tracy.

"Wow, Emma! I can't believe this! It just looks like I'm staring at myself." Tracy excitedly exclaimed. Emma just replied with a polite smile.

               This is Emma

                 This is Tracy

"Now, come on. We have to go get you some clothes and we have to be fast about it so you can arrive before Richard does." Tracy said while gesturing for Emma to get up from her seat.

They headed for a boutique where they both did some shopping. Tracy picked out the kind of clothes she normally wore for Emma. Emma changed into one of the clothes Tracy picked for her.

They both walked over to Tracy's car with the shopping bags in their hands, then Tracy began,

"This is where I leave you. You have the address with you, right?"

"Yes, I do," Emma replied while nodding her head.

"Good. So, you run along now and go home 'Tracy' before Richard gets home first." Tracy teasingly told Emma intentionally stressing her name.

Emma returned Tracy's smile and took the bags from her. She opened the car, put the bags on the passenger's seat, and went over to the driver's seat. She got in and turned on the engine but before she could start the car, Tracy bent over to the level of the window and pointed to Emma saying,

"Don't you dare screw things up for me, or for you." Emma quickly nodded.

"Okay. And, uh... Good luck. Get going." She said to Emma before she withdrew from the car and Emma started driving.

Tracy stood staring at the moving car till she couldn't see it in view anymore. She took her phone from her purse and dialed a number.

"Hey, babe. Come pick me up at Christy's boutique." She then hung up.

Emma was driving but she was a nervous wreck. She had a lot of thoughts and emotions running through her mind. She sighed and murmured,

"Oh God, please help me do this without getting caught."

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