Chapter 11

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"Really! Steve, why would you do that to Stella? You know it's not fair." Tracy said, laughing at something Steven said.

"Yeah, I did. But, you know I love how she looks when she gets mad. She looks more beautiful then." Steven replied teasingly.

While they were chatting, Steven's phone rang.

"Sorry, let me take this."

"It's okay. Go ahead."


"Dr. Steven, one of your patients' relatives, whose name is Miss Russell is here to see you."

"Oh, okay. You can ask her to come in. I'm less busy at the moment."

"Okay, doctor." And with that, the line went dead

"Is there an emergency?" Tracy asked.

"No. It's the girl I told you about that looks so much like you. Don't worry, when you get to see her you'll be shocked yourself."

"Oh, o..okay" Tracy managed to say.

"You may go see him." The receptionist said to Emma.

"Thank you," she replied with a smile before heading to Dr Steven's office. She had no idea what was in store for her.

She got to the door and knocked. She heard a 'come in' from inside. She opened the door and walked in to see Dr Steven and that beautiful lady she saw the other day, who almost ran her over. She was surprised because she wondered what the lady's problem might be. She was brought out of her thoughts by Dr Steven's voice.

"Miss Russell, it's nice to see you again."

Emma smiled shyly and replied,


As Emma walked in, Tracy was shocked to her bones. If she wasn't her parent's only child she would have believed that the girl who just walked in was her twin sister. She hid her expression as fast as she showed it.

"Pardon my manners, Tracy, this is Miss Russell. Miss Russell, Tracy, my cousin."

Emma held out her hand to Tracy which she took.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Russell."

"You can call me Emma."

"Oh, okay Emma"

There was an awkward silence before Steven's phone rang a second time.

"Hello," he said.

"Okay. I'm on my way." He hung up and turned to Emma and Tracy.

"Sorry ladies, I have to go. A patient has just woken up and I have to attend to that right now. Make yourselves comfortable."

"Okay, but don't take too long. You may not see me before I leave if you take too long," Tracy said.

"I'll try." He replied before heading for the door.

Another awkward silence engulfed the room and it was making Emma uncomfortable before Tracy spoke up,

"I heard what happened to your brother, I'm sorry about that."

"Thanks," she replied.

"Have you been able to come up with the money needed for the surgery?"

"No. I'm trying my best but I still haven't been able to come up with it." Emma shyly replied.

After that reply, some crazy idea popped up in Tracy's head, so she said,

"What if I say I will help you with the money?"

"What?!" Emma replied shocked.

"Are you going to help me?" Tracy nodded a yes.

"But..." she continued.

"You will have to also help me."

"I promise, I will do anything to help." Tracy raised one of her eyebrows.

"Alright. But whatever I'm going to tell you to do, don't tell it to anyone, not even my cousin, Steven," she said while gesturing towards Emma, waiting for a reply.

"Oh, okay," she replied.

"Good. We'll have to talk about it somewhere else. So here's my card. Give me a call tomorrow morning and I'll tell you where we will meet. Is that okay?" She asked Emma

"Yeah. Sure."

"Okay. You can go see your brother or something while I wait for my cousin to come back, so I'll let him know that I'll be footing the bills."

"Thanks a lot, Tracy. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

Tracy smiled at her.

"I'll be on my way now and I promise to give you a call tomorrow morning," Emma said.

"Bye. " Tracy replied.

And with that, Emma excitedly went to her brother's room.

'Poor thing. She has no idea what she's about to do is not as easy as she thinks' Tracy thought to herself.

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