Chapter 5

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  It has been a week and a half since Emma lost her parents. She had been quite busy these past days running around, informing her parents colleagues, and friends of their demise and raising funds for both their funeral and Raymond's hospital bills.
The funeral was held two days ago at their home and Emma couldn't believe that her parents were truly gone, leaving her and a critical Raymond in the hospital.

Emma had emptied all her savings and that of her parents. The insurance company came to Emma with some documents revealing that her parents were insured, just in case anything went wrong at some point or if either of them were to die. Emma signed the necessary document and was handed a check for eighty thousand dollars which was all that was left of her parents. Emma used all of it to settle her brother's bills but that wasn't enough for the surgery to be performed because the doctors were specific when they told her that Raymond's surgery could only be performed if at least half of the money was paid and they wouldn't do anything contrary from that.
Emma was really confused. She had no idea how to go about it but she couldn't lose her brother.

Emma was on her way to the hospital to visit her brother. With all the thoughts going through her head, she didn't notice a car coming her way.

"Hey, you better watch where you're going except you want to get yourself killed!" A lady yelled from her car. That was when Emma snapped out of her thoughts and realized that she was right in the middle of the road.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly.

Emma noticed that the lady behind the wheels was a very beautiful lady with long curly light brown hair, dark brown eyes, and plump lips. She looked rich as she was riding a red Ferrari which Emma noticed was heading to the hospital parking lot.

 She looked rich as she was riding a red Ferrari which Emma noticed was heading to the hospital parking lot

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The lady came out of her car. She was dressed in a red pencil knee-length skirt, a cream sleeveless blouse designed with red roses a red designer purse, and shoes to match.

 She was dressed in a red pencil knee-length skirt, a cream sleeveless blouse designed with red roses a red designer purse, and shoes to match

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She walked into the hospital and Emma wondered,

'Do the rich also have problems?'

She concluded it wasn't any concern of hers. So, she walked into the hospital and greeted the nurse at the reception before heading to her brother's ward.

Emma walked into the room and sat beside his bed. Seeing her brother looking so lifeless with all those tubes and monitoring machines brought tears to her eyes but she held it in. She took her brother's hand,

"Hey, Ray. How are you doing today? You know, I miss those times when you came into my room without knocking, complaining about how your crush Stacy made you sad by hanging out with Victor, the captain of your football team, and wouldn't give you a chance to say hello," she said sniffing back her tears.

"You have to be strong for me, okay? We are going to get through this together and I promise I'll find a way to get the money. I don't know when or how but I'll do it. I don't want to lose you just like I lost mom and dad. I love you a lot." she continued.

"I have to go but I promise I'll come visit as soon as I get the chance," she concluded while standing up to leave. She pecked him on his temple and left the room.

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