Chapter 23

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Emma woke up and decided to go for a jog. It's been days since she visited her brother, Richard left earlier because one of his client's hearings was slated for today. After jogging for an hour, she came back all sweaty and exhausted, so she decided to go upstairs and take a shower. She got to the room and walked into the closet to pick something to wear after showering. As soon as she came out of the closet and placed the clothes on the bed her phone rang, she looked at the caller's ID and saw that it was Dr Steven, she quickly answered the call and said,

"Hello?" She was on the call when Anna walked in to drop some laundry.

"Emma, you need to come to the hospital right now," Dr Steven said at the other end.

Emma was scared but she tried not to show it, now that Anna was presently in the room.

"Okay. I'm on my way." With that, she hung up.

Emma hurriedly took her car keys and was about to leave, when Anna questioned her.

"Tracy, where are you going to in a hurry? Aren't you going to change into something else before leaving?"

Anna wanted to know why Tracy was in so much hurry, she wondered if everything was okay. Emma totally forgot that Anna was in the room after the call

"Um. You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine this way I'm in a hurry, I'll see you when I get back." And with that reply, Emma hurriedly left. She didn't want Anna to ask her any more questions. All she needed to know was why Dr Steven had called her so urgently.

She arrived at the hospital after painfully slow minutes of driving and hurriedly ran to Dr Steven's office. She got in but couldn't find him there so she ran to Raymond's room only to see Dr Steven, two other doctors she couldn't recognize, and a nurse, who was taking out the life support from the room.

"What's going on?" Emma asked.

They all turned and noticed her presence in the room.

"Why is she taking out the life support?" She questioned already scared of the response she would get.

"Can someone please say something?" She was already crying.

"Emma.." Dr Steven started,

"We tried our best but we couldn't save him."

"No!... I don't understand. What are you trying to say?"

"He was responding to treatment but we don't know what went wrong, it seems.. he stopped responding all of a sudden. We tried all we could but it was of no use. I'm sorry, Emma but we lost Raymond."

"No, you're lying!" Emma said shaking her head, as she walked to her brother's body.

Dr Steven didn't reply instead he looked at her with pity.

"Wake up, Ray! Please wake up! I know that what the doctor just said is a lie. Please get up, so they'll know that they're wrong!" she said while shaking Raymond's body trying to get him to wake up.

Dr Steven went forward to stop her but she pushed his hands away.

"I thought you said with the surgery he'll get better.  You lied!" She said glaring at him and then began to hit him on the chest. He held her so she'd try to control herself.

She gave up after trying to thrash out of his grip and took the opportunity to cry her eyes out. He consoled her as she continued crying into his chest. She didn't want to see as Raymond's body was being taken to the morgue.

She eventually stopped crying and told the doctor that she wanted to leave.

"Are you sure you're okay now?" Dr Steven asked her.

"Yes. I'm fine now."

Then she left the hospital. She couldn't control the tears that were still running down her eyes. Emma rushed into the house and went straight to the room, fell on the bed, and started crying all over again. She couldn't believe that she had no family now, she felt so alone. All she needed right now was some comfort and at the same time she wanted to be alone.

Anna had knocked on the door several times to find out if Emma was okay but she got no response and she didn't want to invade her privacy so she let her be.

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