Chapter 6

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Tracy got into the elevator and headed for the third floor of the hospital. While in there, she thought to herself,

'Why would a young girl be so distracted as to almost get herself run over by her car?'

She didn't even want to imagine getting someone killed because she knew that would take her to jail.

She came out of her thoughts as the elevator stopped on the third floor and the door opened. She stepped out and went to the door which had a tag with the name,

'Dr Steven'

She opened the door and walked in to see the doctor seated looking at some papers, then she said,

"How is my favorite cousin in the world doing?"

He looked up to see Tracy, he smiled and said,

"Wow, you surprised me! Why didn't you give me a call to say you were coming over?"

"Well, aren't you happy to see me?" She mockingly replied.

"No, I am. It's just that it's been a long time since you came over to visit. Well, let's forget about that. How is my beautiful cousin doing?"

She got herself comfortable on the couch in his office as she replied,

"I'm fine. What about you? How is Stella and my nephew, Ben doing?"

"They are doing great. Stella and Ben travel to see her parents, but they'll be back by next week."

"Aww, so you are all alone now?" she teased and he laughed.

"How is Richard doing? I hope you two are already planning on starting a family?"

Tracy frowned and said,

"Steven, don't even start with that talk about a family. You know that I get freaked out when you talk about that. I don't want to get fat."

"Tracy, you have to understand that Richard loves kids and he had always had that dream of starting a family with you, but he is just being silent about the whole thing because he loves you and wouldn't want to scare you," he replied as he stood up from his seat and walked over to the couch to join Tracy.

"You have to be considerate and not selfish, or don't you want me to also have a little nephew to pamper, and for Ben to have a cousin who he could come to play with during the weekends or on vacations?" He asked.

Tracy sighed.

"I do, but I'm not ready yet and I'm also not sure if I want to start that with Richard. Let me be honest with you...," She said tucking her hair behind her ears.

"I don't think I'm still in love with Richard. You know I always wanted to have him, which now I do but I don't think I'm sure of my feelings towards him anymore. He always makes me feel like I can't have my freedom which you know I love a lot but it seems to me like I'm being caged in this marriage and that's not what I want or how I want to be treated."

Steven sighed and looked at Tracy while trying to figure out what he'd say to her without it looking like he was being defensive over Richard. He starts,

"Tracy, I understand what you're trying to say but you should also look at things the way Richard sees it. He's being protective of both you and his image. He wouldn't want people spreading false rumors about your marriage. Just think things through and try to help your marriage not think of breaking it, okay?"

She sighed and nodded before replying,

"Okay, I'll try. I have to be on my way, I wouldn't want to keep your patients waiting." She jokes while standing up on her feet.

"Before I forget, " Steven started.

"There's this patient of mine whose sister has a striking resemblance with you. The first time I saw her I almost thought she was you but with the way she acted, I quickly figured that it wasn't you."

"Oh?" Tracy said looking surprised.

"Yeah. Poor thing. She's trying to raise enough money for her little brother's surgery so he wouldn't lose his life."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything goes well with her brother." Tracy replied sadly.

"I'll visit some other time, okay? So, don't be surprised when next I walk through that door," she said jokingly.

"I'll keep that in mind," Steven replied while giving Tracy a goodbye hug.

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