Ms. Gangster And Mr. Nerd

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The world is unfair. We seek for justice, for vengeance, because of love. Love for our family, friends, spouse, and the top of all, love for our selves.
We gain and fight for our pride.
We conquer our fears for our dignity.
We face the challenges that were given and that we change.

He's a coward to violence. He hates to be in trouble. He doesn't want to be hurt. He always play safe. He never steps in the path she steps. He's a man who believes only on him self. No one can help him but his self. He's nerd, a great book worm on his class. He do memorises all what was on the book and so he learns a lot and passes all his tests with out standing marks. How can he pass the test where no book can tell the answer? Can he pass the test of life?

She is a famous. No fear. No regrets. She's always perfect on the things she'd done for this is her life. She had gathered all the things she aimed. Success, fame, glory, gold, freedom, she got all of this. But she doesn't have the love that she needs. Love from her parents and love from the society. She felt unloved and unhappy. The only one who loves her, protects her, and care for her was only her self. Can she accept the love from someone when she had forgotten how to?

Can he cure her? Can she help him? How was it to step unto both of their different paths? Would they succeed and had their goals?

Would it be nice when Mr. Nerd meets Ms. Gangster?


This story will be under heavy "Revisation" if there is a word.

Ms. Gangster And Mr. NerdTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon