9 The Banquet (3)

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"Master, you've received a letter." A masked man handed a scroll to his superior.

The superior was currently painting so he gestured the servant to read it.

He was only 20 years old, yet he looked much more older and mature. The man had black hair which was tied up neatly into a bun. His eyes were black and focused on his work of art. The sun shone on him, making his already handsome face even more brighter.

"The Wu family is holding a banquet in a few days. It seems like the banquet is for the Eldest Di, Wu Xingxie." The masked man told the man sitting before him.

At the mention of Wu Xingxie, his superior released an aura so strong, the masked man fell to his knees.

"Forgive this servant!" He begged, fearing for his life. His whole body was sweating and if this continued, he would surely pass out.

"Wu Xingxie?" His master asked in his deep, rich voice. Hearing his question, the masked man nodded quickly. Why would his master ask about Wu Xingxie?

He wondered, but then recalled how she was the capital's most beautiful woman.

Could he be interested in her?

No way, the master hated woman!

Or maybe Wu Xingxie offended his master?

Yes, that has to be the reason!

The masked man prayed for Wu Xingxie in his heart. Although he didn't know her, anyone who earned the master's wrath would not live to see the sun again.

"Since this is an invitation, we'll have to go." He heard his master say.

Oh no!

He was really going to hurt Wu Xingxie.

Even though he was worried, the masked man also wanted to see how she looked like.

"Does this painting look nice?" His master asked and the man looked up.

He wasn't paying attention to the picture but now that he saw it finished, his jaws nearly dropped. Everyone knew how the master loved to paint as a hobby but this picture seemed too real!

Not only that, the master painted a picture of a woman! It was a woman!

The woman in the painting was truly alluring. The masked man had seen many beautiful women in real life, but this woman in the painting captivated him.

"Master, who is this woman? She's so charm-"

Before the man could finish his sentence, a blade was thrown at him.
He almost didn't dodge it, as it left a cut on his left cheek.

"Who threw that!" The masked man yelled looking around.

"You should train your servants better." A man's voice said in a teasing tone.

"Leave." The master ordered and the masked man reluctantly complied.

"Bao Ling, Bao Ling, I haven't seen you in a while." The voice of the man spoke again.

The master called Bao Ling remained silent as he admired his own artwork.

Being ignored, the other person finally revealed himself.

"Don't ignore me!" He whined walking up to the man sitting down.

"Who is that?" He asked staring at the painting. Like the man before, he was enchanted by the woman in the painting.

"She must be a goddess!" The man praised, reaching out his hand to touch her lips when the older man stopped him.

"Did I say you can admire her beauty?"
Bao Ling threatened. He was proud of his work. Although he didn't paint for a living, the man was an artistic man. He'd been working on the portrait for months.

Bao Ling never drew people but after seeing her, he started to paint her without even realizing it. Now, he'd finished and he planned on giving it to her at the banquet.

"Let me buy it." The other man suggested.

"It's not for sale, Bao Zemin."
Bao Ling refused his offer.

"But why? I'll pay you a million silvers!" Bao Zemin really wanted the painting.

"No means no. Besides, I am not lacking money." Bao Ling declared, glaring at his younger brother.

"But Ge-" Bao Zemin was cut off by Bao Ling standing up.

With his powers, Bao Ling made the painting disappear but he was really storing it in a different place.

"Since you've returned, help me prepare for a banquet I will be attending." Bao Ling ordered as he was bad at dressing himself. His retainer was the one who helped him choose his clothes each day but Bao Zemin was known to have good fashion sense as well.


"Xuan'er, how are you feeling?" Wu Xingxie asked as she watched her brother eat.

He ate so much, Xingxie let out a small laugh.

"Slow down." She warned him even though she was glad he was eating. He could choke if he ate too fast.

"Eldest Miss, are you not going to eat?" Yuyan asked seeing as her miss had a face veil on and had not touched the food yet.

Xingxie smiled under her veil.

"I will, but I want Xuan'er to eat his share first."

"Eldest Miss is so kind. Taking care of the Seventh Young Master."

"I am his jie, so it's my duty to protect him."

If not, those evil people will take his life before I can do anything.

Wu Xingxie kept the last part in her heart.


This was supposed to be updated last night but I accidently updated the next one. Sorry for that.

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