66 Accept What Has Happened

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"Wait." Chantara put up his hand to stop Wei from doing anything rash.

"It's not because of the Black Magic she used that's caused her to lose her memories."

All three other males glanced at him, not expecting his statement.

If not because of Black Magic, then what?

"After examining her, I've come to know that she's in this condition because even though there's one soul in the body, there are two minds. The original mind of the body, and the one that merged both hold memories of major events which has affected the way they view the world." Chantara described what he found out last night.

"It seems like, the memories of the present and future have clashed. Because one holds memories five years from now, the original one can't handle the traumatic feelings.

To put it simply, the personality of the 16 year old her is more softhearted while the 21 year old has become immovable."

"They're the same person though....." Hu Jiayi blurted and he found this hard to believe.

"Right, but to the younger her, she can't accept what the future holds. If she wishes to gain back her memories, she can only accept what has happened." Chantara explained her condition. He touched the sheath of Wei's sword and pushed it back.

Wei dropped his stance and glanced at Wu Xingxie in a somber way.

He never thought about the teenage Wu Xingxie's feelings because he thought everything was perfectly fine.

"What did you do to her?" Hu Jiayi chided then gently shook the female's body in hopes to wake her up. He didn't care about anything else right now. All he wanted was for her to be safe.

"Stop trying. The spell I've casted can only be broken by the caster or if she reaches an agreement with her other self." Chantara reprimanded because it was useless no matter what he tried.

There was a brief silence in the room. Nothing could be heard except for the steady breathing of Wu Xingxie in a slumber.

Wei broke the silence as he curtly questioned,
"How do we fix this?"

Chantara sighed before seating himself on a nearby chair. Crossing his legs, he gave a half smirk.

"I have no intentions to help her recover her memories. Even if I knew a way, I still wouldn't do it."

Wei glared coldly at the Thai prince. He didn't want to drag this on any longer.

"If you won't say, then I'll find a way myself! Jiayi, take her back." Wei instructed his friend who nodded and picked the girl up bridal style.

Both prepared to leave when a voice who hadn't made a sound was suddenly heard.

"Wait." His emotionless tone was there but it had a hint of concern.

Both males stopped on their tracks and turned back to the speaker.

"It may not be due to Black Magic, but I am partly responsible. So, I'm willing to lend you my help." Bao Ling began stating his thoughts. He felt like it was mostly his fault for giving her the resources to learn Black Magic.

If he hadn't, she wouldn't have learned the time traveling magic which she used. He never expected her to use it that day so he was afraid of telling her the truth.

He hoped one day, fate would allow them to meet normally just like other people. Of course, him having a low EQ tried unusual methods to gain her attention.

He didn't regret anything but now that she ended up like this, he felt greatly remorseful.

I have to make it up for her.

"No thanks." Wei declined his offer to help. He never trusted people from the five major clans with the exception of a few like his best friend and his master's children.

Everyone else, he regarded them as an enemy.

"You have no connection with her, so you are not obligated to save her." He reasoned with a deeper meaning. What he really meant was that in the original timeline, he never had a chance to be with her and this time, it's the same!

Bao Ling didn't say anymore as he watched them disappear from the room. Only he and Chantara were left in the empty hall.

"Why did you let her go so easily?" He inquired with Chantara whose expression was the same.

"If I really did bring her back, my parents would have certainly adopted her. They've always wanted a daughter but all they had were sons." Chantara thought about his family and beamed.

"However, in the end, I can't bring myself to take her away. I can tell those men from earlier sincerely care about her."

Even though he let her return, he only hoped that if she did regain her memories, she'd think  twice about her revenge. He didn't want her to end up losing herself to the point where vengeance was the only thing on her mind.

After all, those blinded by revenge never meet a happy ending.

This is not the end of Chantara.

Fun fact about me: I'm very gregarious so don't be afraid to message me.

If y'all have any questions about the book or characters just DM me and I'll answer. Of course, no spoilers will be given. 😜

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