51 The Masked Man (3)

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Evening eventually arrived so Wu Xingxie decided it was best to head back. On her way back, to avoid people, she took the route where it was forested.

Careful of her surroundings, Wu Xingxie scanned the area to make sure no one else was there. It wasn't that she was fearful, she just didn't want anyone to follow her.

The girl walked until she heard noise coming from afar.

Realizing they were footsteps, she put her guard up and in that moment she turned to where it came from, a dart was coming her way.

Wu Xingxie turned to avoid the dart which landed on a nearby tree.

Looking back at the figure, Wu Xingxie summoned her sword and deflected more darts being thrown.

"Show yourself!" Wu Xingxie was unable to see the figure clearly as it was much darker in the woods.

The figure didn't respond and there was a moment of silence before the figure charged towards her. It was then she saw a man wearing all black with the most hideous mask covering his face.

Instead of throwing darts, the man was now holding a sword aiming towards her.

Wu Xingxie parried the attack, bringing them face to face.

Behind the eyeholes of the mask, she saw ink colored eyes that stared at her not with malice, but a feeling she couldn't describe.

Was it the same man at the banquet?

Wu Xingxie was unsure as many assassins or bandits cover their face when killing or robbing. So, she made a move to make his sword fall out of his hands. Wu Xingxie used her strength and easily pushed the sword away, positioning the blade at his neck.

The man paused but didn't surrender. Instead, he grabbed the blade of her sword barehanded and pulled it towards him.

As Wu Xingxie held the hilt of the sword, she was pulled along to her surprise. She was not expecting him to do this. After all, who would put their hands on the sharp edges of a sword?

Apparently this man as he didn't care about the blood spilling from his palms. As Wu Xingxie was pulled over, he used his other arm to grab her waist.

She stopped at his chest and his grip tightened while the female tried to escape. Wu Xingxie let go of her sword to focus on escaping the man's hold but his strength was overwhelming.

He finally revealed his aura, causing to Wu Xingxie to conclude that it was certainly the man at the banquet.

Although she realized too late, her determination grew as she kicked his shin.

This didn't faze him but he released his grip on her.

"You're good." A deep voice spoke, breaking the silence. Wu Xingxie heard the satisfaction in his voice and narrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean?" She was ready for an attack but he suddenly spoke.

The masked man didn't say anymore before moving his hand to his face. Wu Xingxie wanted to see how this man really looked so she stood there not moving.

Just then, the man disappeared from her view.

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