74 The Scroll (1)

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The entire hall was silent as General Tang took out one of the needles. The atmosphere was quite tense since the drug could be in there.

Walking up to the nearest table of food, General Tang leaned over and grabbed a bowl of soup. With the needle in his other hand, he dipped it into the liquid. The tip of the needle changed colors and at that instant, a crashing sound was heard.

The bowl General Tang held was thrown on the ground by him as he turned back to the Emperor. He got down on one knee and bowed.

Those who were far away didn't know what the result was so they were anticipating like crazy.

"Your Majesty. The bowl that I checked was indeed drugged. I'm afraid whoever's bowl that was will have to be treated. Once the drug enters the bloodstream, the addictive substance will take over and the person will keep craving the drug over and over." General Tang expressed his findings with pity.

He was the few generals who had been stationed north for many years despite peace in case of invasions. With no force to drive out, he and his troops took care of other problems such as illegal drugs and weapons.

"At this rate, if all the food is drugged, everyone in this hall will have to be checked." General Tang revealed since it was most likely everyone ate.

The Emperor was speechless. Who was daring enough to wipe out not only the royal family but those serving in it as well?

Whoever did this has to be someone with lots of connections.

"Guards! Hear my command. Investigate anyone involved in serving the food, the chefs and people in charge of transporting condiments!" He announced as this incident could have ruined his reputation.

The guards immediately followed and left the hall to do as told.

From her seat, Wu Xingxie felt a sick feeling in her stomach. The pain was mild at first but it kept growing until she couldn't take it anymore and accidentally slammed her hands in the table. The noise grabbed everyone's attention as she groaned in pain.

"Eldest Miss!" Yuyan grabbed her shoulders to help her balance when a splattering sound fell onto the table. Fresh blood dripped onto the floor as those around her watched in horror.

Madam Wu, who was a few seats away witnessed the scene and should've been happy. Only, when she saw Wu Xingxie coughing up more blood, an indescribable feeling in her heart urged her to do something.

"Help!" Yuyan looked around for help.

General Tang, who was near quickly realized the girl had been affected by the drug and ran over.

"Miss, hold on!" He swiftly picked her up and carried her out the hall with Yuyan following along.

The Emperor glanced at Wu Dingxiang who had a look of distress on his face.

"General Wu. Don't worry, I will have the best doctor examine her!" He declared since the girl who had just been carried away was General Wu's daughter after all.

If something were to happen, he was afraid General Wu would blame him for being too careless. He was the emperor. He couldn't have the people think bad about him!

"Imperial Father, Shun'er requests to have everyone checked in case they ingested the substance. I don't want anyone else to end up like that miss. Please have the imperial doctors do a thorough check." Princess Shuchun stood out of her seat and bowed down.

Seeing his daughter personally ask him this, the Emperor couldn't refuse. After all, most of those here were officials in court so he would be responsible if something were to happen.

The princes expressed their concerns as well since it was likely they had taken the drug.

Seeing how much blood was spilled, their faces were ridden with fear.

Under the emperor's orders, the imperial doctors were brought into the banquet hall.

With their medical kits, they began to examine the guests for any sort of drug in their body. Since they didn't have the special needles, they could not check the food or drink.

With agitation in his eyes, Wu Dingxiang let the doctor examine him. He still couldn't believe his men dared to bring the drugs into the palace. If they were caught, it would surely affect his reputation and he could be charged for treason.

He had to leave as soon as possible.

What the hell are they thinking, acting without my orders?!

Wu Yunxia saw his father's worries and tried to reassure him nothing would happen.

He was quite pleased Wu Xingxie was affected by the drug so quick. When he saw her being carried away, a small smirk couldn't help but form on his lips.

He knew about his father's hidden businesses so he didn't worry about being addicted. Wu Dingxiang had the antidote but it would raise suspicions if he had the cure to the drug that shouldn't even be in possession. They could only wait for the emperor to dismiss them, return and take the antidote.

In one of the rooms of the palace, General Tang had carried Wu Xingxie on the bed. She was coughing blood nonstop with a dead look in her eyes.

The drug, when mixed with food took a few days to spread. However, when taken by itself, it had an immediate effect on the consumer.

"Miss, I'll have to remove the drug from your system." General Tang declared as he prepared to forcefully make her throw up.

Wu Xingxie was in so much pain she could barely hear him or react as he pressed onto her stomach with the butt of his sword.

At that instant, the food she ate was vomited onto her clothes. General Tang felt relieved as he ripped one of the curtains to use as a cleaning cloth.

"Miss, I've removed the drug but you'll be in pain for a bit longer due to the hemorrhage."
He stated before wiping the contents off her clothes.

Wu Xingxie nodded and called for Yuyan to help her sit up.

"Eldest Miss, be careful." Yuyan was in tears seeing her like this.

How can Eldest Miss be willing to go through this just for her plans?

"General Tang....." Wu Xingxie called the man who had came just as she expected.

"You must find out who's behind this!" She urged him while catching her breath.

"Miss, don't worry. I will surely catch the man responsible for attempted genocide."
General Tang raised his sword like the warrior he was. As he prepared to leave to check on the other guests, Wu Xingxie grabbed his sleeves.

Taking out a scroll hidden in her sleeves, she slipped it onto his hands.


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