61 Helping You From The Kindess Of My Heart

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Yuyan agreed to return as to keep Wu Xuan and Sizheng company. Seeing Yuyan's face, Wu Xuan felt something odd so he asked,

"Why hasn't Jie returned yet?"

Sizheng nodded his head as he also wanted to know. He'd gotten used to the people around him and was more open now that he had someone who understood him well.

Yuyan didn't want them to worry so she made up an excuse.

"Eldest Miss is on a very important mission. She won't be back until tomorrow."

Wu Xuan doubted her but he didn't want to argue so he simply nodded.

"It's getting late. Why don't you two go to bed?" She tried to convinced them and pointed to the rooms.

"Fine, let's go Sizheng." Wu Xuan smiled at the younger boy who followed him willingly.

Once the two males were in the room, Yuyan sighed in relief as she went back to her own room.

She couldn't sleep at all, knowing something could have happened to Wu Xingxie.

"What if we're just overthinking things? The Eldest Miss wouldn't let herself get hurt."
Yuyan tried to convince herself everything was fine but her intuitions told her that it wasn't.

At the same time, Wei was searching endless places for the girl but she was nowhere to be found. Even when he tried to feel her presence, it was not there.

The capital city was large and a lot of people lived there. How far did she go for him to not be able to find her?

Wei had no choice but to inform his best friend. While looking for Wu Xingxie, he happened to meet Hu Jiayi who tried to surprise him.

"What's wrong? You look worried." Hu Jiayi noted, seeing his friend's expression.

"Of course, the Eldest Miss is missing. I can't find her anywhere."

"What?!" Hu Jiayi exclaimed. So this was why Wei looked so stressed out.

"Tell me in details." He demanded, grabbing Wei's shoulders.

"Alright, alright." Wei removed his hands and began to explain what happened earlier and what he knew from talking to Yuyan.

"So she's executing her plans? Then, why hasn't she returned though?"

Wei shook his head,
"I don't know. If she's safe then that's fine but what if something terrible happened? I have to find her to ease my worries."

Hu Jiayi nodded, agreeing to his friends worries.

"I'll help you search."
Hu Jiayi declared enthusiastically.

So, the two looked at more places until it was dawn but still couldn't find her.

The only places they hadn't searched were the territories owned by the noble clans. They didn't want to trespass but what if Wu Xingxie was in one of those places?

They could sneak in, but Wei had a better idea.

"You're the young master of the Hu family, so shouldn't they allow you in? Just pretend you're here to visit."

"No way, I don't want to reveal the fact that I'm in the capital." At first, Hu Jiayi refused but when he thought of it, it was actually better than sneaking in to search.

"Aren't you worried?" Wei asked to make him rethink his answer.

"Alright, I'll do it." Hu Jiayi gave in, breaking the disguise and returning to his true form.

His long white hair stood out the most, so anyone would know he belonged to the Hu family.

"Let's go." He gestured for Wei to follow along as they entered the crowd.

"Miss, you can't really remember who you are?" Chan asked for the nth time even though he knew she wasn't lying nor acting.

Wu Xingxie nodded, looking down at the ground. Throughout the night, she was unable to fall asleep for many hours.

How could she sleep when she didn't know her own self, family and background?

However, she managed to dose off eventually unaware that Chan had casted a spell on her.

It was already the next morning.

The two had slept in the forest after setting up a campfire and a place to sleep using big leaves.

"By the way, why do you wear a veil? Are you insecure about your looks?" Chan asked about the veil and Wu Xingxie touched the fabric covering her flawless face.

She didn't even know her name or age, how was she to know why she wore a veil?

Perhaps, I'm so ugly that I cover my face as to not scare myself?

Wu Xingxie had not seen how she looked like after losing her memories so of course she had weird guesses.

"It's ok if you don't know, I won't ask you to show me your face. But...."
Chan looked at her bloody hanfu and shook his head.

"If you're going to travel along me, you can't be wearing that. Why don't you change into something else?"

Wu Xingxie looked at him confused.

"I don't have any other clothes on me."

Chan let out a smile,
"Don't worry, my friend will bring you clothes."

"Friend? There's only us two here." Wu Xingxie looked around for anyone other than them.

She looked back at Chan who had closed his eyes and began chanting in a foreign language.
Despite losing her memories, Wu Xingxie still knew the basic information of the world.

She already guessed the man was from the Ayutthaya Kingdom when she first saw him. Her thoughts were confirmed as he was speaking Ayutthayan Thai.

Soon, a figure appeared next to Chan, bowing down. The figure had the body of a human but his face was that of an ape. Despite his looks, he was able to speak.

"Prince, what brings me here?" The ape-like man asked his master.

Chan realized he called him prince but since they weren't speaking Chinese, he thought the girl wouldn't have understood.

"Raka, go bring a set of clothes for this young lady." Chan informed his servant before turning to Wu Xingxie.

"Miss, I have asked him to go get clothes for you so rest assured."

"Thank you." Wu Xingxie bowed but he grabbed her in time.

"No need. I am helping you from the kindness of my heart." Chan stopped her from bowing.
After what he learned about her, there was no way he could leave her alone.

So, tell me what you guys think of the new guy. He's not a ML but he plays a very crucial role.

This is not related to the book but like have y'all seen Seventeen and Mamamoo's comebacks? My wig has been snatched!

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