42 The Tiger's Blood (3)

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As Mu Ye noticed how intensely Hu Jiayi was staring at him for treating his wound, he found himself lost in his own thoughts.

If I hadn't traveled back, he's the man I would have been married to.

Wei noticed the awkward silence and saw the way Hu Jiayi looked at Wu Xingxie with interest. As her bodyguard, he failed to protect her from the Black Immortal which he was still disappointed about but wondered why she was so secretive. She wouldn't tell him anything, which was natural since they only knew each other for a few weeks but he was willing to risk his life for her. Doesn't she see how much he cared for her, even trying to hide her identity to Hu Jiayi since she didn't want anyone to know?

"Don't you think the herb is ready?" He asked, interrupting their moment. Mu Ye snapped out his thoughts, and quickly finished tying the cloth.

"When we leave, you have to take care of the wound. I don't want it to get infected." Mu Ye instructed, as if he was older and teaching someone younger.

Hu Jiayi nodded, trying to conceal his joy.

He really wanted to ask if she remembered him from the future but that would be revealing the fact that he knew she wasn't the sixteen year old Wu Xingxie.

He could only wonder what her thoughts about him were as well.

"I'll be in the room soon so don't disturb me." Mu Ye picked up the bowl, walking over to the pot and pouring it in.

Stirring the liquid, she let the tiger's blood mix with the herbs, turning it into a dark colored paste. He didn't even spare a glance before grabbing the pot with his hands, despite the hot temperature, he endured it.

Mu Ye made sure to a protective shield so they couldn't hear him before reverting back to Wu Xingxie.

In order for the remedy to work, the person couldn't have any sort of spell casted on them.

Wu Xingxie tied her long black hair up so it wouldn't get dirty before half stripping, revealing just her torso.

Her pale skin was colored with the black ink which spelled out words she loathed.

Exhaling deeply, Wu Xingxie brought the pot closer, and grabbed a cloth to soak up the mixture. Once it was absorbed, she used the cloth to wipe her chest. As soon at it touched her skin, Wu Xingxie clenched her teeth, feeling the burning sensation.

Despite the pain, this was the only it would work. The mixture worked best when it was still hot. One would think her skin would burn and turn red but because of the ink, the mixture left no mark after it was washed off. It's purpose was to dissolve the ink so the person wouldn't feel the torment when they came in contact with water.

Wu Xingxie continued to make sure every spot was well covered, so that nothing would be left. If she had to use such a method to rid herself of a humiliating moment, then she was willing.

"Just a bit more....." The stinging pain lingered but as the time passed, it lessened, allowing her to breathe in relief.

Wu Xingxie made sure the mixture was dried before wiping it clean with a wet cloth.

Her skin returned to it's original state and she smiled brightly because everything was totally worth it. If she couldn't even endure this, how could she endure worse pain in the future?

Malevolence flashed in her eyes, thinking of what she had to do to give back retribution to those who harmed the people she cared about.

Once I return to the capital, the Wu family better watch their backs!

Prime Minister Estate.

In a candlelit room, a middle aged woman sat in front of a stone tablet. Sorrow filled her heart as she mourned for the loss of her loving husband.

She wore a simple white robe, and her hair was left loose, hanging down her back. Despite being in her mid-forties, the woman maintained her looks but the recent incident made her age a few years.

How could she still care about her looks when the person she wanted to look beautiful for was no longer in the world?

"The heavens are cruel. How could they just take you after you've down so much for this empire? Your murderer wasn't even found."

The woman was none other than the wife of the prime minister who had passed away, leaving her in a state of depression. Her husband's death wasn't even resolved so she felt a sense of injustice.

"My Lord, this wife will certainly find out who killed you. I won't let them get away with this."

She proclaimed, her eyes full of hate and bitterness. She believed there was more than meets the eye to her husband's death and no matter what, using the wealth of her family and connections, she would make sure the person responsible paid a thousand times worse!

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