99 Wu Xingxie's Marriage (17)

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For what seemed like a month to other people, it was a blink in the eye for Wu Xingxie.

It was here, the day of the wedding. The dowry, gifts and preparations had been readied. All that was left was for the ceremony of the bride and groom.

With emotionless eyes, Wu Xingxie allowed the female servants to bathe her. Petals of roses, fragrant oils and other helpful substances filled the bathtub. One washed her long silky hair, another scrubbed her body with utmost care. Gentle not to ruin her skin, the servant was scared of being punished if something were to happen.

After all, the bride had to be perfect.

After the long bath, the servants dried her body, massaging oil onto her skin to keep it soft and smooth. As Wu Xingxie glanced at herself in the mirror, she remembered how in her future, the exact thing happened.

Even though it was her wedding day, she felt nothing about it. Regular women would be overjoyed or even nervous, but her, it was just a convenient marriage. There were no feelings involved so why at this moment, she suddenly remembered Hu Jiayi's words?

"I did it because I really liked you since the day you saved me, but it was also for indemnification. I never had the chance to repay you so giving you a proper burial was the only thing I could do for failing to save you."

Although she told him to stay away, in truth she knew he was being serious when he told her those things. She had died already but he cared so much for her, that even if he had to travel through the harsh mountains, he would do it just to bury her properly. He didn't want her body to rot away in the bottom of the mountains, forever forgotten by the rest of the world. At least, it was the right thing to do especially since he loved her.

A sense of discomfort formed in her eyes since Wu Xingxie realized how fickle she was being. She liked Wei, but her eyes saw the image of the man in her dream and her mind thought of Hu Jiayi. What was happening to her?

Unable to concentrate, it was only when a servant called for her did she snap out of her thoughts.

"Eldest Miss?" The servant's meek voice called, reminding her that it was time for her hair and makeup.

As Wu Xingxie sat down on the chair in front of the mirror, her reflection changed to the man who appeared in her dreams and she nearly screamed. It felt so real, almost as if he was watching her every move.

Whenever she saw his image, he had a mysterious smile on which sent her chills done the spine. Wu Xingxie wasn't scared of anything other than losing the people she cared about but seeing his face and smile, Wu Xingxie wondered if she was going insane.

Feeling the servant's hand apply cosmetic to her face, Wu Xingxie calmed done as she convinced herself that things would return to normal and that she'd put her plans into action.

For the sake of revenge, I am willing to give up my happiness....

That was her mindset when it came to the marriage. It'd be nice if she could find someone to live the rest of her life happily with, but her current circumstances held her back.

"All done." The servants said at the same time, smiling at their hard work.

Wu Xingxie was in a red two-piece attire, with yellow dragons and phoenixes embroidered on the torso and skirt areas. Her hair adorned with a coronet made with pure gold, Wu Xingxie's beauty was that of a goddess.

However, she did not smile nor say anything after seeing herself. Gently putting the red veil to cover her entire head and face, the two servant girls helped her put the wedding shoes on before each held one side of her hands, escorting her outside.

Leading her to where the members of the bride's family waited, Wu Xingxie could feel the stares from them. Most disliked her so they were ecstatic that she was getting married off.
Though the fabric looked opaque, Wu Xingxie was able to see through the cloth and sneered at how fake they were.

Wu Yunxia didn't even hide his happiness as he smirked, slowly walking up to greet her. Madam Wu's face was covered with a fan as she smiled contemptuously, glad that the wench was finally leaving.

"Jie, you're getting married so Yunxia would like to see you off and give you my blessings." He stated, trying to touch her hands to show his fake insincerity.

However, Wu Xingxie moved her hands away before he could.

"Wu Yunxia. Isn't it inappropriate to touch a woman who's going to be married? Brother or not, you are still a male." Although she spoke in a low voice, everyone was able to hear her, and they looked away knowing what she meant.

Wu Dingxiang, who had been watching realized the situation and called his son back, not wanting to cause a raucous on such an auspicious day.

"Eldest Miss, this way." Yuyan was the maid of honor so she had to get ready in a different room. Seeing her in full wedding attire, Yuyan's heart twisted in pain but she smiled and took the other servants' place in guiding her to the sedan. Once both were in, the sedan was picked up by strong men who would carry them to the groom's house.

As General Tang had been away for so long, he had no permanent place to stay so Madam Gu allowed him to use her estate. After all, he did grow up there. During the ride, Wu Xingxie kept her whole guard up for she feared something bad was going to happen.

Squeezing Yuyan's hand tight as if she was afraid of losing her, Wu Xingxie prayed in her heart for everything to proceed well.

Of course, we don't always get what we hope for.

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