85 Wu Xingxie's Marriage (3)

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"W-What did you say?" Madam Gu asked almost as if she misheard the girl.

Wu Xingxie looked at her with the same smile,
"My name is Wu Xingxie. I'm sure you know who I am right?"

Madam Gu nearly fainted.

Her enemy's daughter had been the one scheming with her?

I must be hallucinating due to my pregnancy.

Madam Gu told herself but Wu Xingxie sat back down, all the while looking at Bao Ling.
She casually poured herself a cup of tea and brought it to her lips.

Taking a sip, Wu Xingxie rested her left elbow on the table.

"Madam Gu, I've read you letter and it had piqued my interest. Since you've helped me
so much, I'll agree to it."

Hearing her words, Madam Gu blinked a few times and the words repeated itself in her head.

"You've decided?!" She disregarded the fact that Wu Xingxie was a Wu and smiled with her mouth opened.

"Good! Yanan will finally have a wife!"
Madam Gu exclaimed with excitement at the thought.

The male sitting across however wasn't so pleased by their conversation.
Their side of the table was filled with warmth while his side was freezing.

He had come to convince her to change her mind about the marriage but Wu Xingxie actually came and said she was interested.

"Ling, did you hear that? Yanan is going to be a husband soon." Madam Gu had watched the male grow up along with her husband and she knew how he lacked a family so if married, he could have children of his own.

Bao Ling didn't respond but she watched the two of them continue to chat.

In fact, he marked every word that Wu Xingxie said.

"General Tang is 23? Isn't the age gap a little..."

"Not at all! The Lord and I were 10 years apart, 7 years is nothing in your case."

"He's also a virgin."
Madam Gu whispered into her ears making Wu Xingxie create a weird expression.

What was wrong with that? If I wasn't a virgin, I wouldn't have been able to travel back at all.

"Not only that, he loves children so I think he would want to have lots of them!"
Madam Gu revealed.

"Alright, I guess he's not bad." Wu Xingxie admitted since not many people liked kids these days. Men only had children to continue their bloodline while women gave birth to the favor of their husband.

"Does he know about this though?" Wu Xingxie asked the important question. If General Tang was unaware, then she would not go through with it at all.

"Of course! I told him multiple times when he was in the north that I'd find him a wife if he returned." Madam Gu loved being a matchmaker when she was not busy with her plans of revenge. Her family was famous for its matchmaking experience after all. Many couples have ended up together and lasted, so they made a ton of wealth from the matchmaking business.

"We've only seen each other once yesterday though." Wu Xingxie knew she wasn't qualified to say this since she agreed to marry Hi Jiayi without knowing she met him already.

Only when she saw him this timeline did
she remember they'd met in the Magical Realm.

"That's no problem. I can arrange for you guys to meet more often. I could even persuade the emperor to give you to him."

Wu Xingxie nearly spat out her tea at the lady's words. She was simply joking earlier but she was willing to go that far?

General Tang, why didn't you just find a wife in the north?!

Bao Ling noticed her face and handed her a cloth to wipe the liquid from her lips. Though it was a small action, Wu Xingxie felt touched that he would do this. He remained so quiet that people would think it was only her and Madam Gu in the garden.

"Thank you." Wu Xingxie wiped her lips before speaking again. Her intentions were to talk about yesterday's events but seeing as someone else was here, she could only push it back to another time.

"Madam, I don't want to stay too long and disturb your time with this man. Please excuse me." Wu Xingxie made up a good reason to leave, dismissing herself.

"You're leaving so soon? I wanted to talk more about the marriage." Madam Gu seemed disappointed that the female wanted to leave so fast but respected her wishes. Nonetheless, there was no need for her to rush anyways.

After Wu Xingxie left the garden, Madam Gu exhaled in relief. She looked at the still man sitting before her, opening her mouth to speak but decided not to. She could tell something about him was off but what was it exactly?

There was a few minutes of silence between them until Bao Ling said something really low.

"Is she the one you've been working with?"

Madam Gu touched her big stomach and nodded, thinking of how successful their plan turned out.

"I'm still a bit shock that she's General Wu's daughter. I never suspected it would be his own daughter trying to ruin him." Madam Gu said as she shook her head in disbelief.

This was totally unexpected but a thought came
to her mind.

If Miss Wu marries Yanan, he'll be General Wu's son-in-law. With this, we can topple him much easier.

With this realization, Madam Gu gasped, staring at Bao Ling who had no idea what was on her mind.

"I have to go see Yanan right now." Madam Gu insisted, momentarily forgetting the fact that she was pregnant.

"You must not be rash. Don't forget that there's a child inside of you." The Demon King warned, but not in a stern tone. He was concerned about her health since she was pregnant after all.

"I know, but this involves an important matter. Ling, you are also at a good age for marriage. Would you like-" Before the pregnant woman was able to finish, a deep voice cut her off.

"I already have someone I love." Bao Ling didn't let her finish her sentence as he knew what she was going to suggest anyways.

Madam Gu was not expecting such a serious response so she went silent for a few seconds, not blinking.

"Someone you love?" She found it hard to believe seeing as she had never seen a female with him. From her knowledge, after
taking over the Bao clan, he got rid of female
servants, only hiring males. Maids were not allowed so it was the men who did the everyday jobs like cooking, cleaning, etc. At that time, she already married out and into the Gu family so she didn't know much more.

The man didn't explain himself any further before changing the topic.

"Recently, the Long clan has been trying to expand their power. Do you think I should rid of them?" He was more than capable of doing this but often times when it concerned politics, he asked his great aunt.

He was well aware of Wu Dingxiang's goal to form an alliance with the other four clans but since he failed to contact them, he looked for foreign groups.

Wu Dingxiang failed to form the alliance because only two of the five clans excluding his lived in the capital. The Hu and Lang were located in different provinces, so it was hard to reach out to them. Of course, the Bao and Feng had no intentions to further his ambitions as they had their own businesses to deal with.

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