87 Wu Xingxie's Marriage (5)

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Ever since the execution of the Minister of Works, the capital city fell into a state of ambiguity. More crimes were committed, and despite the investigations, the criminals were never caught.

Some say that the fall of the empire was coming, while others saw it as a purge.

The emperor tried to dispel the rumors by using prisoners as a scapegoat. He forced them to act as the culprits of the growing crimes in order to fool the people which eventually worked and the rumors died away, but not everyone was easily swayed.

"Using captives from past wars to hide the truth, this emperor sure is bold, don't you think?" A certain white haired male questioned another man who also had white haired, but was older as he had wrinkles on his face.

The older man had his eyes closed, in a state of relaxation. Hearing the statement, his orbs shot open, glaring at what was before him.

"Young man, what are you implying?" With a firm tone, the old man asked.

"Wise Elder, I'm sure you know about the state the empire is in. As a protector of the continent, are you just going to allow a meaningless war to happen again?"
Hu Jiaiyi kept his tone modest, not wanting to offend the elderly man who he had been searching for.

"Young man, I see you have other intentions other than just asking about the future. However, I'll tell you one thing. No one can defy fate. Even if you try to prevent it, the war will still happen regardless of your efforts."

Hu Jiayi stood still, his face void of emotions as he thought about the consequences of the war.

Even if I can't defy fate, I will protect her during dangerous times!

Somewhere else in the capital city, inside the Gu estate, Madam Gu finally managed to convince Tang Yanan into marrying.

At first, he adamantly refused, not wanting to marry someone he barely knew. Of course, she kept pestering him to the point where he began to worry about her health. He didn't want to be the cause of her worries so he relented, so she would stop nagging him day and night.

General Tang had headaches each time she mentioned Wu Xingxie to him, listing her good qualities and how if it weren't for her, she wouldn't have known about her pregnancy.

"Madam, I understand! I'll marry, I'll marry. I don't even care who it is anymore at this rate."

The general proclaimed, face palming.

"Great! I have ways to make the Wu clan agree to this wedding." Being from the Bao clan, Madam Gu shared their hidden dark nature when it came to dealing with enemies. Since Wu Dingxiang was behind her husband's death, she would use any method to humiliate him.

Wu Dingxiang was someone who cared a lot about his reputation. He wouldn't decline the marriage as the marriage between her and General Tang would improve his reputation greatly.

After all, Tang Yanan was the one who saved the day during the drugging.

"I'm going to get married." Wu Xingxie admitted during breakfast. Her statement sounded serious, causing everyone to react differently.

Yuyan spat out her drink, Wu Xuan choked on his rice, Sizheng stared blankly and Wei fell off his chair.

"Eldest Miss is joking right?" Yuyan asked nervously. She didn't want to believe her.

"No, it's true. Today, Madam Gu will visit the manor and ask for my hand for General Tang."
Wu Xingxie stated calmly, passing a wiping cloth to her brother. She then glanced at the man who actually fell off his chair, wanting
to laugh but she held it in.

"Are you alright?" She reached her arm out and the male grabbed it, getting up on his feet. He returned to his seat, brushing any dust
on his clothes.

"I'm fine. What's more important is what you just said. Is it true?" Wei inquired as he felt his heart ache. This feeling he had never experienced until now was driving him mad, to the point where he wanted to ask her who she was marrying and for what reason.

Do you love him?
Are you being forced by someone?
Will you be happy with him?

By chance, it was almost as if she read his mind when she spoke again.

"I'm marrying willingly. Since both sides have agreed, I don't see anything wrong with it."
To Wu Xingxie, her decision seemed fitting, but to the others around her, it was more than absurd.

"Jie, if you marry, you're going to have to move out. Are you leaving us behind?" Wu Xuan began to pout. The thought of her marrying someone random person was not appealing to him at all.

"What about Wei ge? He's a better man than whoever you're going to marry anyways."
He commented without thinking.

Yuyan looked at the young boy wide eyes, as if he said something he wasn't supposed to.

Wu Xingxie looked away from Wei as an awkward silence filled the room.

She mustered her courage, doing the best to explain her reasons in a calm yet poise tone.

"I agree Guard Wei is a good man. However, our relationship is strictly professional. Not to mention, I don't have any feelings for him."
Wu Xingxie stated but, she felt a tug in her heart. There was no denying that these past weeks, she had formed a bond with the guard.

Although no one noticed, whenever Wei was busy training Wu Xuan and Sizheng, Wu Xingxie would discreetly observe the males. Despite doing so to check up on the younger boys, she ended up gazing at the guard.

A mirth smile plastered on her face, she would stand frozen until Yuyan or Xi Zhuhong interrupted her, asking what she was doing.

Wu Xingxie would then make an excuse to cover up her actions. While Yuyan believed them, Xi Zhuhong saw right through her.

Just last night, Xi Zhuhong asked to have a private conversation with her. It was here that Wu Xingxie told her about the marriage between she and Tang Yanan. Although being taken aback, the older woman remained calm, asking a serious question.

"Do you have feelings for that guard?"

At first, Wu Xingxie went silent as she didn't know she would ask such a question. However, it was evident that she was not joking so Wu Xingxie gave an answer.

"No, I just think he's handsome. That's all."
It seemed rather reasonable right?

Xi Zhuhong sighed as the girl remained oblivious to her own emotions.

How can someone so intelligent in academics and martial arts be so dense to matters of the heart?

She didn't say it out loud for the girl had to learn it on her own.

"Since you say that, then can you tell him about the marriage?" Xi Zhuhong asked, but she was actually telling Wu Xingxie, do you have the confidence to let him know?

Wu Xingxie understood this easily, which is why she was telling the others the next morning.

However, why couldn't she look Wei in the eyes? If it was Wu Xuan, Yuyan or Sizheng, she could look at their eyes perfectly. Yet here she was, struggling to look at him.


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