59 A Chance Encounter (3)

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"Miss! Miss!" A young man's voice called as he shook Wu Xingxie lightly.

Seeing the veil on her face, he reached out to remove it as to see how she looked like but the female woke up as if on reflex.

Opening her eyes, Wu Xingxie looked up and pushed the man away.

She looked around with a frightened expression then back at the man.

"Who are you?
Where am I?"

Wu Xingxie looked down at herself hands, and touched her face. Her mind was completely blank.

"Who am I?"

The man seemed to notice her distress so he sat down to her level.

Wu Xingxie saw that he was dressed very differently from how she knew people of her time dressed.

The man wore a brown sleeveless shirt with black fitting pants reaching to his knees. The one thing that stood out was the fact that his hair and arms were adorned with gold accessories.

"Miss," The man also had an accent so Wu Xingxie guessed he wasn't from here. Only, she couldn't remember her own self nor where she lived, which was more important than the stranger.

"I'm Jao- Uh, I mean I'm Chan. Miss, I found you unconscious with blood on your clothes. What happened?" The man called Chan asked while Wu Xingxie wondered herself.

"I don't know. I can't remember who I am or what I was doing. I don't even know how I ended up like this." Wu Xingxie cried desperately.

There seemed to be something important she was forgetting and she hated that feeling of not knowing.

Seeing her cry, Chan tried to calm her down.

"How about this, from your clothes, you must be from here, so perhaps your family is nearby?"

"I don't know. I don't remember anything. Please, help me." She looked at him pitifully.

The vengeful woman from before seemed to have disappeared completely. All that's left was a teenager, unaware of her identity.

Chan had other things to do but how could he bear to leave her all alone?

I have to find that person fast, but I can't leave her here. Especially in this condition.

"Then, how about you come with me on my trip? I'm here for business and I'll have to return to my home in a few days."

Not knowing who or where to go, Wu Xingxie agreed to his offer. Maybe she'd be able to gain back her memories in the meantime.

The moon shone onto the face of a man. His eyes full of unease as he searched for the Eldest Miss. He followed her when she left but got summoned by his real master due to urgent matters.

He couldn't disobey so he left to receive his orders. Once he got back, Wu Xingxie had not returned yet so he went out to search for the girl.

What was she doing without telling anyone?

"Eldest Miss!" Yuyan followed him as she was concerned something might have happened.

"Yuyan, did she tell you where she was going?" Wei asked the young girl who was on the verge of crying.

"No, she only told me-" Realizing she almost spilled what Wu Xingxie told her, Yuyan covered her mouth.

Wei obviously saw her actions and walked closer to the girl. He was sure she knew something.

"Tell me what she told you." He demanded, his voice full of authority, so much that it scared Yuyan.

She didn't know whether he could be trusted or not but if she didn't tell him, would he force an answer out of her? Then again, Wu Xingxie made her promise not to tell anyone of theirs plans. Especially those under Master Wu.

"I-I don't know anything." Yuyan denied.

Wei furrowed his brows. He knew she was being loyal to her mistress but the situation is dire. He can't afford for her to be hurt!

Damn it! As her personal bodyguard, I've failed once again.

Wei thought of a way to make Yuyan tell him willingly. Albeit a bit hesitant, this was the only way he could get her answers.

"Does it have to do with revenge?"

Hearing the word "revenge", Yuyan's eyes widened in shock.

Impossible. No one knows of the Eldest Miss's revenge other than me, Eldest Miss and Lady Xi. How could he have known?


Yuyan tried to think of a possibility of how he found out.

"Did Eldest Miss tell you?" She asked defensively.

Wei nodded, even though it was a white lie.

Yuyan sighed because she was scared he would force an answer from her.

What a relief Eldest Miss told him. Now it won't be betraying her since he knows too right?

"Before she left, she told me her plans. It wasn't in detail but all I know is......"
Yuyan was still hesitant but seeing Wei's serious look, she continued.

"Eldest Miss plans to destroy the Wu clan completely."

Wei pretended to be surprised.

"Why though? They're her family right? The Eldest Miss is a kind girl, she wouldn't hurt them." Wei used her supposed reputation to learn more about the revenge.

Although he knew she was going to revenge, he didn't know exactly how Wu Xingxie planned on doing so.

*Inserts dramatic music*

I told you guys, be prepared for a roller coaster.

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