13 The Banquet (7)

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No one had time to even blink as Wu Yunxia attacked his older sister out of rage.

They expected blood to rush out, but only the sounds of clothes tearing was heard.

Wu Yunxia's eyes widened at what he saw.

The guests were stunned as well.

They heard a low cry coming from Wu Xingxie. Her teary eyes earned sympathy from the guests and they glared at Wu Yunxia.

This brat! He couldn't accept his defeat so he attacked his own sister in order to humiliate her?

Wu Xingxie's pale back was exposed as she cried, apologizing to her parents.

"Father, mother, please don't punish Didi*, this is all Xingxie's fault. She shouldn't have been so determined to win. However, I didn't expect that this would happen. I cannot accept this shame, so please, let me die."

Wu Yunxia's face turned red from her words. Although she wasn't blaming him, everyone else saw him as a loser who can't accept the truth. He wanted to harm her but thankfully only her clothes were ripped.

However, her skin was revealed to nearly everyone and that was equal to losing her chasity. For such a thing to happen to an unmarried girl, it was losing face so she would rather die.

Madam Wu was speechless. When did she become so cunning? She was making her Yun'er appear bad in front of all these people.

Master Wu didn't sense anything wrong. Actually, he was vexed with Yunxia.

In his eyes, Wu Xingxie was a girl who had been wronged by his jealous son. Even if Wu Xingxie was a genius, she was still a girl. Any noble girl would rather die than live with this experience.

Without saying a word, Master Wu stood up. Calling for the neareat maid, he was about to order her to escort the Eldest Miss out when a man walked over and draped his coat over the kneeling Wu Xingxie.

Everyone froze. They hadn't noticed the man at all. The man had a strong presence and was covering the Eldest Miss. Sadly, the man was also wearing a face mask so no one knew who he was. He was tall, towering over Master Wu himself. The man was in a black robe and his long hair was let loose, flowing down his back.

Wu Xingxie didn't look up at her saviour. This was not part of her plans but she was thankful for his actions.

Master Wu was silent. This man was intimidating. He wanted to ask who the man was but the man's servant spoke.

"My master was pleased with the banquet today. Please accept this gift from us."

Soon, a bunch of servants who were not from the Wu manor entered with chests filled with treasures. While the Wu manor was in no need of money, more money was never a problem.

Madam Wu wondered who the masked man was as well. Clearly, they didn't greet anyone who was wearing a mask so when did this man arrive? Did he sneak in?

"Master was a bit late but he arrived in time to witness the First Young Master and Eldest Miss of the Wu family duel. Here is our invitation card." The servant held out the invitation letter and sure enough, it had the Wu family symbol.

When Master Wu saw the letter, he immediately started shaking as he fell to his knees.

"Y-Y-You are......." He was not expecting this man to show up. After all, why would someone as powerful as him come to a banquet where people socialize?

"Wu Dingxiang*, is this how you raise your son? To embarrass his sister to the point where she does not want to live anymore?"
The masked man spoke. His appearance had already caused all the ladies except a few to be swooned. When they heard a deep voice spoke, everyone could hear the coldness and criticism from his words.

A Madam spoke up for Wu Xingxie while shaking her head disappointingly.

"The poor girl. To have been wronged when she didn't even do anything."

Madam Wu glared at the woman who said that but she couldn't say a word.

"I agree. How petty is Wu Yunxia? He must be envious of her skills." A young girl commented. Wu Yunxia was ashamed. How did things get out of hands? All he wanted was to teach that wench a lesson but now everyone was blaming him. He looked at Madam Wu with eyes pleading for help.

However, she could not take his side. He was in the wrong after all so she had to keep up a righteous image.

Master Wu didn'care about the crowd. All he wanted was to impress the man before him. Even the Crown Prince was speechless after seeing this man who had showed up.

Master Wu stormed over to where Wu Yunxia was standing. Wu Yunxia, sensing his father's anger quickly knelt before him.

"Father! This son-" Before he could he could even finish, Master Wu backhanded his face. The slap was so strong, he fell sideways. His cheek red and blood coming out his mouth.

In the 15 years of his life, his parents had never hit him! He was always loved by them and yet, today couldn't get any worse.

"Wu Yunxia! Look at what you've down to your sister. Not only did you try to harm her, you've caused her to lose her face in front of many eyes. Revealing her skin in public, that crime alone is punishable by death if you were not her brother."
He scolded harshly.

All that matters was pleasing this masked man. To think that the Demon King himself would show up today, he had to discipline this son of his well.

Otherwise, how could he keep his imagebas the head of one of the most powerful families in the empire?

Dìdì (弟弟) - Means Younger Brother in Chinese

Also, over 700 reads?

We made it to 216th in Historical Fiction!

I forgot to mention that yesterday was my birthday so this is a gift!
I was so shocked yet happy at the same time. You guys are so amazing!

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