64 You've Got The Wrong Person (2)

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"Put me down!" Wu Xingxie whined like a child struggling in the man's arms but he didn't budge once.

Wei looked down at her, examined her for a moment before continuing to walk again.

It was only when he felt a bolt of lightning did he turn around to evade the attack.

Wei turned around to see the same man Wu Xingxie was with earlier standing with a grin.

"Phi Chan, help me!" Wu Xingxie called for him while she tried to push herself off Wei's grip.

"Don't worry Sasithorn. I won't let you fall in the hands of a random male." Chan threw another bolt of lightning his way, this time much larger.

Wei jumped away to dodge it but lost his grip on Wu Xingxie who removed his hands from her body, letting herself drop onto the ground.

The impact of the fall wasn't severe but it still hurt her so she groaned in pain.

Seeing Sasithorn freed, Chan ran to her and helped her up.

"Sasithorn, let's go! I have a better way to avoid these crazy people." Chan held her close and in an instant, Wu Xingxie found herself on a cloud. She saw the town getting smaller and smaller until she realized they were really riding a cloud!

"I should've used this earlier but I was afraid you'd be frightened of the extreme height." Chan explained his reasoning on why he was only using this technique now.

After riding for who knows how long, the two arrived at a large estate. The estate was far away from where the majority of the people lived so there was no need for them to pass through the large crowds.

"The person I'm meeting is very scary so try not to show your fears." Chan told her beforehand because he knew this man wouldn't like him bringing a woman along.

"When we enter, don't say anything and just stick by my side, alright?"

Wu Xingxie nodded in response as she looked at the gates of the manor.

It was heavily guarded with men in all in dark clothing and different masks.

She found it eerie and moved closer to Chan who quickly grabbed a hold of her hand. He noticed her reaction so he wanted to calm her down.

Slowly, he guided her to the front gates.

The guards immediately noticed them and turned to each other.

Chan didn't worry as he formed a small token, showing the guards.

Once they saw this, they knew who he was and made way for him.
The gates opened, allowing the two to enter.

One step in and not a sound could be heard. It was oddly silent as Wu Xingxie looked around.

No one was around either so where was everyone at?

"Follow me." Chan said to her and he lead her to a building.

Using his free hand that wasn't holding her hand, he touched the door and closed his eyes.

Chan chanted once again and Wu Xingxie saw the light coming from the door. She wondered what he was doing but her question was answered when the surroundings changed around them.

They were in a courtyard but now, there were people around.

"Prince, come right this way." An old man saw them and bowed.

When Wu Xingxie heard the man call Chan a prince, she glanced at him. He gave a sorry look,

"Sasithorn, don't be mad, there's a good reason why I had to hide my identity."

Wu Xingxie was a bit upset but she brushed it off since he did help her. If he hadn't found her, who knows what could have happened so she felt indebted to him.

The man lead them to another building which was more of a hall. It was heavily guarded as well but Chan didn't have to confirm his identity as they already knew who he was since he managed to enter the manor the right way.

"Prince Chantara*, the Master has been waiting for your arrival." One of the masked guards informed and opened the door for him.

"Sasithorn, go in." Chantara politely offered for her to go in first.

When Wu Xingxie entered the large hall, the first thing she saw was the figure sitting at the other end of the hall. His position was higher than anyone else so he must be the "Master" the guard mentioned.

She also saw that he had a mask on like the rest of the guards, but his was much more horrifying. From behind his mask, she could see his cold alluring eyes which were focusing on something else.

Noticing her arrival, the person averted their eyes and met right with her own orbs.

When his eyes landed on her, she saw a dumbstruck look in them but it quickly disappeared.

"Wu Xingxie?" The person called out to her.

Chan followed in and when he heard him call the name, he simply smiled.

"Ling, you've got the wrong person. This is Sasithorn, my adopted sister." Chantara introduced happily.

Chantara- It means "Moon Water" in Thai. I think it's a very pretty name.

Fun fact about me: I was born in Thailand but I'm not Thai.

How about y'all ? Where were you born?

So, I'm gonna put like a fact at the end of each chapter so y'all can get to know me better.

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