20 Ambitions (2)

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Such news should be shocking for Xingxie before but the current her took this in without passing out.

"I never knew father would be so.......aspiring."

Xingxie commented blankly as she recalled the 21 years of her life before she returned here.

In order to be useful, she had gathered information about his enemies and helped him come up with ways to suppress them. Her plans were always successful and when he was finally named prime minister, she was happy for him because at the time, she truly believed he was deserving of the position. She never imagined that he was actually coveting for the emperor position.

People who lusted after power were the most despicable to Xingxie. She could not understand why they wanted to control others. Was cultivating not enough for them? They wanted to sit on top and rule others when there were better things to do.

Wu Dingxiang, you disgust me.

All the respect and courtesy she had for him was gone. Yes, he helped her grow up but in the end wasn't he only using her for further benefits? Even though he was her benefactor, she would not be a marrionete to anyone this lifetime.

She was a prodigy with many skills and techniques, so why would she just let someone else use her for selfish benefits?

I, Wu Xingxie am meant for better things!

I will not let anyone dictate my life!

Her resolution was firm, and she would not let anyone change her thoughts.

"Xing'er, if you truly want to live happily, you cannot be in this manor. He's only raising you this way so you can be useful to him. Once you aren't anymore, he won't even blink before getting rid of you."
Concubine Xi expressed, trying to persuade her.

"I know. That is why I want to bring the family down." With these people before her, she didn't have to hide her true intentions any longer.

"Eldest Miss, no matter what you want, this servant will serve you until dea- no, the afterlife!"
Yuyan declared from the bottom of her heart.Wu Xingxie was the person who gave her life a purpose.

Yuyan was an orphan, so she grew up without the love of a mother or father. She had been taken in by her relatives who treated her like a slave. In order to pay off their debts, they sold her to the Wu family to work as a maid. Yuyan thought her life would be a living hell but she was assigned to accompany the Eldest Miss of the manor.

When Yuyan first met Wu Xingxie, she imagined she was one of the demanding and loud girls from rich families. How wrong she was. In fact, Wu Xingxie welcomed her with an open arm and smile. The tenderness in her Eldest Miss's eyes were something she wanted to see forever.

Yuyan didn't understand why the other servants didn't like Xingxie because the Eldest Miss never caused any trouble and was always studying to learn more.

Of course, she respected what the Eldest Miss does and doesn't try to tell her to fight back. She gradually came to believe that the Eldest Miss arguing with those other servants was a waste of time.

On the day the Eldest Miss berated the servants, Yuyan felt something off but she would never question her master. Then, when Xingxie had asked her to help her with "plans" Yuyan was ecstatic. The Eldest Miss was her first friend whom she truly loved. No matter what path the Eldest Miss chose, Yuyan was ready to follow her anywhere. Her meaning in life was to help the Eldest Miss and if it's destroying the Wu family, Yuyan would gladly accept.

Concubine Xi was the same. She had lost a child and the ability to reproduce all because of the heartless Madam Wu.
Hearing Xingxie's words, an anciet flame was ignited inside of her. The warrior who once killed over thousands of men had returned. She had been waiting to hear such words. She was no longer Concubine Xi, but Xi Zhuhong*!

Eyes filled with determination, Xi Zhuhong proclaimed,
"Xing'er, as long as you like, I am also willing to serve you until I can no longer."

Wu Xuan, who watched the two women pledge their loyalty to his sister felt left out.

He ran up to Xingxie and hugged her waist.

"Jiejie, Xuan'er also wants to help you!"

Although he wasn't fully healed, Wu Xuan would certainly find a way to help her sister. The Wu family caused him to suffer so much. He practically might as well be dead if it weren't for his loving sister.

From this day onwards, he vowed to grow up quickly and become a man capable of protecting his dear sister instead.

3 weeks later.

Xingxie was overjoyed as her little brother was finally venom free. His body had returned to a normal condition and most importantly, he could now cultivate!

Her beauteous face was even more charming when she had a smile on. Anyone who saw her would surely have their breath taken away because her face was literally glowing!

Wu Xuan started feeling better weeks ago, but today, he felt extra healthy. The reason being that his Jing Luo* being freed from the venom. The reason he could not cultivate was because the venom blocked his Jing Luo, trapping all his Qi.

For the first time in his life, he truly felt like he was alive. Before, his only reason for not committing suicide was to see the people he really cared about.

"Xuan'er, I'm sorry for not saving you in my original life." She apologized out of nowhere.

Xi Zhuhong*- Concubine Xi's full name.

Jing Luo*- In Chinese medicine, they are the channels and meridians that form the pathways for Qi energy.


17 in Historical Fiction, you guys are on a roll! As always, thank you for the support.
You guys are the reason I want to write more stories in the future!

Until the next update!

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