100 Wu Xingxie's Marriage (18)

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Noticing the Eldest Miss's strange behavior, Yuyan wondered if she was nervous as she couldn't see her face.

The sedan shook a little since it was being carried by hand, but it was not to the point where one would be frightened.

Underneath her veil, Wu Xingxie bit her lips, keeping her eyes shut. Once they arrived, the ceremony would begin and there was no turning back. Even though the wedding wasn't grand, people in the capital city had heard about it.

Apparently, the eldest daughter of the Wu clan was arranged to marry the great General Tang who had returned and helped in a crisis.

Since Wu Xingxie was labeled as the most beautiful woman in the capital, many people tried to get an invite just in hopes to get a glimpse of her face. It was a known fact that General Wu kept her hidden away because the more mysterious she was, the more worth she had.

Many were interested in the wedding but only certain people were invited. There were people who had been personally invited by Wu Dingxiang himself and ones by Madam Gu.

Particularly, she sent a letter to Bao Ling, but there were low chances of him attending.
Since she had no idea about his feelings for her, Madam Gu didn't know how it affected him at all.

In the dark chambers, a handsome man's face was blurred by the absence of light. His eyes filled with indecisiveness while he stared at the invitation.

It was all coming true. The images he saw were becoming a reality. Perhaps, he could stop it but in what position did he have?

"To you, I may be someone unnoticeable but I have never forgotten your kindness." He slowly ran his fingers along the envelope, wanting to rip it into pieces. At the same time, he wanted to see the wedding for himself. In his lifetime, if she knew who he really was, she would never forgive him. He wronged her by leaving her alone, but he tried to make it up multiples times without her knowledge.

Picking up the invitation, he closed his eyes before making a final decision.

It was better if she married someone else. That way, she'd live a stable life.

"Have you prepared everything?" A certain man asked his right hand man sternly.

Hou An silently nodded before explaining the situation.

"Master, our men have been placed around the capital city. They are just waiting for your orders."

Black Immortal smirked as he glanced up at the sky.

"The weather is nice today. Isn't it an auspicious day for a wedding?" He asked particularly to no one but his words held deeper meaning.

Gesturing for Hou An to follow, the men left their hiding place to start their plan.

Hou An didn't understand why his Master was doing all this but he didn't question him ever. All he knew was that the woman who they were after meant a lot to his Master.

Curious, he wondered what relationship she had to him.

"Master, that woman.... Who is she?" Hou An didn't usually ask questions but this whole thing gave him a new view of his Master.

Black Immortal merely smiled, replying,
"She is my past, my present and my future."

When Hou An heard those words, his mouth opened a bit, taken aback. He had never seen such an expression on the Master despite being by his side since birth. The only times he smiled was when he grinned or was taunting his opponents. He never smiled genuinely before.

"Your past, present and future?" Hou An repeated his answer to which the short haired man nodded without further explanation.

"Our plans to kill those Thai princes failed, but this one must absolutely not, understand?" Black Immortal's face changed as his eyes narrowed, his lips pursed.

Hou An nodded and disappeared from their spot to execute his part of the scheme.

Standing alone, the wind blew Black Immortal's dark robe as he glanced down at the flower garland on his wrist.

Reminiscing about the day he became her husband, bittersweet memories filled his head.

"I've waited four hundred years for you. No matter how long I have to wait, I will continue waiting for you to love me again."

The welcoming of the bride began as Wu Xingxie stepped out of the sedan, holding Yuyan's hand for guidance.

According to tradition, Wu Xingxie had to weep in order to show her grief of leaving the Wu manor. Although she felt the opposite, Wu Xingxie sobbed, fooling the guests who were unable to see her face.

From under her veil, Wu Xingxie scanned the unfamiliar faces but stopped at a face she'd seen.

Dressed in servant clothing so that he wouldn't attract attention, the man stared at her intensely. There was longing in his eyes which made her wonder why he seemed so depressed.

She had more questions but now was not the time to worry about him. She was positive he was the Demon King but whatever he did had nothing to do with her anymore.

"Eldest Miss...." Yuyan called her since she had stopped abruptly, everyone's eyes on her.

"Come, come," Madam Gu urged as she took her other hand, leading her to the groom.

In front of the ceremonial tablets, General Tang stood in his red wedding attire. Having shaved, he looked years younger and the sun hit his handsome face.

There was a neutral expression on his face but when he knew there were eyes on him, he made a smile.

The ceremony officially began as Wu Xingxie and Tang Yanan proceeded to perform the actions of showing respect to their ancestors and parents.

Both kowtowed in unison, with Madam Gu holding her tears. Finally, the boy whom she watch grow up was getting a wife.

If Wu Xingxie had a child, then her child would be a year younger than hers. Madam Gu didn't know what gender her child was but be it a boy or girl, she'd be thankful.

The saying of vows were successfully made, although Wu Xingxie felt weirded out by it. She had no feelings for him so why was she starting to feel nervous now?

Glancing to the sides, she saw him again, looking at her with longing.

Why is he dressing like a servant?

She asked internally and thought perhaps he liked General Tang?

She knew the Demon King didn't allow females to work in his manor so it was possible he liked men, right?

Although she didn't believe in rumors, she thought he wasn't staring at her but her groom.

Bao Ling likes General Tang?

Wu Xingxie stifled a snicker and recomposed herself.

A few hours passed and the ceremony finally ended with the guests leaving to a hall for reception.

As the bride couldn't be seen, Yuyan had to bring Wu Xingxie to the wedding chambers which were decorated with banners and flags.

The manor was decorated beautifully, amazing Yuyan who awed at the sight. She was surprised they did all this in just a month for it took years to plan a wedding.

"Eldest Miss, you're married now......" Yuyan stated sadly, her lips pouting.

"Technically, we're not since it hasn't been consummated. We don't plan on doing that so sooner or later, we'll divorce." Wu Xingxie revealed that once her revenge was accomplished, she'd divorce General Tang who agreed since he had nothing to lose.

Sorry for not updating for so long. I'm still alive, don't worry, this story is not discontinued or anything.

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