48 A New Friend

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Seeing Wu Xuan, who was barely an adolescent go up against a real man, Sizheng was amazed. He had witnessed many sparring battles but this one was especially intriguing.

His eyes lit up with flames as he smiled, watching the two males fight. Since he was young himself, he cheered for Wu Xuan in his mind.

"Go! Get him!"

Wu Xingxie noticed the change in his eyes and felt relieved. She made the right choice after all.

"The young man you see over there is Wu Xuan, my little brother. From now on, you'll be his companion so get to know him alright?"

Wu Xingxie told the boy who nodded with a smile on his lips.

"Jie! Your brother is so cool!"

Sizheng wished he could express his thoughts but he was able to show it through his facial expression.

Wu Xingxie got the hint and beamed, patting his back gently.

"Come, let's go greet him."

Wu Xingxie held his hand and walked him over to where Wu Xuan rested.

Wu Xuan noticed his sister and his mouth opened into a smile when he saw another boy.

"Jie, who's this?"

"He is Sizheng, he's only 6 years old so you can call him Titi." Wu Xingxie explained before looking down at the shorter boy.

"I'm Wu Xuan, 12 years old!" Wu Xuan held his hand out which Sizheng gladly shook.

Wu Xuan was expecting him to say something since he did not know Sizheng was mute. When Wu Xingxie noticed this, she explained to her brother who nodded his head.

"I'm sorry, I was unaware." He quickly apologized but Sizheng shook his head, as if telling him not to worry. He was already used to this kind of reaction so it was nothing new.

"Who's this here? Your son?" Wei jokingly asked as he came up from behind Wu Xuan.

Wu Xingxie shot him a death glare before crouching down to Sizheng's level.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to let me or Yuyan know alright? Also, you can't leave this place through the gates." She told him the few rules she made in order to keep him hidden and safe. Sizheng nodded obediently before she allowed him to go spend more time with her brother.

The two young boys ran off into the field, embracing the youthful time they had now.

Wei glanced over to Wu Xingxie and spoke.
"You don't seem like the type to do this, how did you meet him?"

Although Wu Xingxie wasn't as suspicious of him as much as before, she still didn't tell him of her plans. She already made up a story to cover up Sizheng's true purpose for being here.

"I found him abandoned in the streets. He has no one else left. Not to mention that he can't speak. I couldn't turn my back on him so I brought him back." Technically, she was telling part of the truth so Wei decided not to pursue the matter further.

He simply acted like he was convinced since she didn't want to tell him.

Wu Xingxie returned to her room because she had some things to finish.

Wu Xingxie didn't care at first but the books that mysteriously appeared in her room was not in possession of the Wu family.

She asked Yuyan about them but the girl found them in the storage room so she thought they belonged to her.

"Or, did someone sneak into here?" Yuyan said as a possibility.

"That can't be. I set up a protective shield around the-" Wu Xingxie stopped as she thought of who would come in her domain.

"Yuyan, where's the robe I had you put away after the incident with the banquet?"

"The one you said a masked man gave you? I washed it and stored it away neatly." Yuyan replied. The incident was nearly a month ago, did it have something to do with the appearance of the books?

"Go get it." Wu Xingxie was perplexed herself but it could be related to the masked man who came to the banquet. She had no idea his identity so she was unable to return the robe he covered her with.

Although she was thankful, the man was originally not part of her plans. She didn't think much but after looking back, the man's painting seemed to be too realistic to her future self.

After a while, Yuyan returned with the robe in hand.

"Here, Eldest Miss, it's been kept away for quite a while."

Wu Xingxie took the robe in her hands and unfolded the clothing.

With her sharp eyes, she inspected the fabric and knew she was a step closer to finding who the man was.

Demon King better watch out. 😂

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