Special Chapter: A Glimpse of the Past

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Happy One Million Reads!!!!!
A/N: This chapter is CRUCIAL to the storyline so please read it. :)

"Father, I don't want to marry." The female admitted, a sad expression visible on her youthful face.

Holding the flower garland in her hand, tears flowed from her eyes.

"No matter what, you must choose a husband today!" The king exclaimed, refusing to listen to her words.

"Honey, she's our only daughter. Must you treat her this way?" The queen tried to reason but the king was having none of it.

"Guards, take the princess outside. Make sure she throws the garland." He ordered without any hint of emotions or regards.

"Father!" The princess called as the guards grabbed her arms but with little force as they couldn't hurt her.

"I don't want to marry!"


Outside the castle, a large group of men stood impatiently.

All were from different backgrounds and kingdoms. They had heard that the princess of Ayutthaya was finally choosing a husband, so they all came as possible candidates.

On a balcony of the castle, the princess stood with guards besides her in case she tried to run away.
Looking down at the large crowd, she felt disgusted by the sight.

They only wanted to marry her because of her kingdom's wealth. None were sincere or had good intentions for her.

Scanning the crowd, her eyes landed on a specific man.

From where she stood, she saw the confused expression on the man. Unlike the crowd, the man was dressed in simple clothing and covered with dirt. He wasn't from royalty or a noble family so who was he?

The man looked around the crowd confused about what was going on when he saw who was the reason for the commotion.

High up in the balcony stood a woman.
Not just any woman but the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Her features were perfection and it was at this point he recalled that this was not their first time meeting.

The princess locked eyes with the strange man who stared up back at her. At that moment, all the screaming from the crowd stopped in her mind.

It felt as if there was only her and the man in the world.

The princess failed to realize that a shy smile was forming on her face. Her hands instinctively reached for the flower garland the guard was holding beside her.

Without thinking, she threw the flower garland his way in excitement.

Before anyone could have time to react, the flower garland landed on the poor man's hand.
The man looked down at the flower garland even more perplexed, and back at the princess who smiled at him warmly.

Little did he know, just that one simple action was going to change his whole life.

Fun fact: In Thailand, flower garlands are "phuang malai" and are used for many purposes. They can be given as gifts or kept for good luck. In the old times, women in the palace were expected to know how to make garlands. Princesses would make their garland and stand above a group of males and throw it. The man who catches the garland becomes the husband of the princess.

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