47 Wu Xuan's Abilities (5)

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The veiled girl had a very frail appearance but her words were filled with dominance and authority. While her face was covered up, the people sensed her seriousness and determination.

Did they finally have a chance for revenge?
Just the thought of that united them even more as they came to a decision.

"Young lady. If you can help us avenge the late Prime Minister, we are willing to serve you for a lifetime!" A middle-aged man declared with enthusiasm.

"That's right! Master Gu has helped all of us. How could we not repay him?"

"Whoever was behind this will pay a million times worse!"

The group of people were really devoted to Prime Minister Gu. This sort of loyalty was hard to find. Not even the emperor had such an influence over the people. There were more citizens who admired the Prime Minister but these people had pledged to support the his family until they died.

"It won't be easy to kill the murderer. He has a strong backing after all." Wu Xingxie informed them. After all, Wu Dingxiang was a general who led a large army. He had been meritorious for his victories in war but really, he was someone who was vying for the throne.

Someone like him was not worthy to live this lifetime in Wu Xingxie's eyes.

In other people's eyes, she may have changed for the worse but it was her life choices. She already knew there was no turning back anymore.

Only one side could live.

This time, no one was going to control her life and blind her anymore.

"If you want to avenge your master, you have to be stronger than you are today! Anyone who dares to betray me betrays the Madam. Remember this, I want those that value loyalty." Wu Xingxie's words gave a warning but it reassured them that she would definitely get revenge.

Even if she didn't say it, the people were not going to betray their late master. They had been waiting for this day, otherwise they would have joined Master Gu in the afterlife already!

Over the next few days, Wu Xingxie focused on forming the armed force. The people were very productive, and trained vigorously for future battles. Using her medical skills, Wu Xingxie helped those who had old injuries from past battles or were malnourished.

Sizheng, the mute boy who had caught her attention was sitting in the secret training area, exhausted. For a six-year old, his aura was cold and distant but he showed no signs of fear nor worry about anything.

Wu Xingxie took a seat next to him and turned her head to look at him.

"Are you tired?" She asked but the boy shook his head in response.

Since he was unable to communicate with words, Wu Xingxie prepared paper and ink for him.

The young one looked a bit taken aback when he saw the paper but when Wu Xingxie handed them to him, he found himself fascinated by the items.

Sizheng picked up the brush and wrote a few characters down.

Wu Xingxie was curious as to what he wanted to convey so she took a peek.

Sizheng finished writing and although it was sloppy, she could make out what he wrote.

"Kill Master's Killer."

"You want to kill him?" Wu Xingxie asked and the boy nodded once again. His eyes were filled with determination and a sense of malice as he thought of the person who killed his master.

He continued to write more words down without stopping.

"Jie, will you teach me how to become stronger?"

When Wu Xngxie saw his request, she felt a hint of joy yet sadness. For a boy his age to be capable of wanting to kill, it pained her heart, yet at the same time she respected his admiration for his master the most.

"I can, but you have to be willing to live with me." She told him. A few days ago, Madam Gu revealed that Sizheng had no one else and wanted to continue to serve in the Gu estate. However, Madam Gu felt that if she trained the young boy, it would be for the best. Besides, Wu Xingxie had a soft spot for children. She simply could not refuse.

At least, Wu Xuan would have a new friend.

Although Sizheng was reluctant to leave the Gu estate, he felt a connection to this mysterious woman. From the moment he felt her presence, he felt as if she was familiar, but he was only
six, how could he remember so many things?

Wu Xingxie reassured Sizheng not to be worried about anything. No one bothered to check on Wu Xingxie's isolated chambers anyways so all he needed was to make sure he never left his new home.

Arriving at her room, Wu Xingxie saw Yuyan sitting in a nearby table while Wei was dueling with Wu Xuan.

Wu Xuan leaped in the air, avoiding the darts hidden in Wei's sleeves. Although Wu Xuan was only 12, he wanted to be treated like a man so Wei did exactly that. He trained him for 9 hours a day, and Wu Xuan had improved way more than he did when he was the boy's age.

Not only had Wu Xuan gotten stronger physically, he had matured mentally and emotionally. He lost to Wei countless times but today, Wu Xuan was hiding a new trick.

Before Wei could make his next move, Wu Xuan used his enhanced speed, sneaking up behind the older male.

Palm-striking Wei's back, Wu Xuan released a huge amount of spiritual energy to weaken Wei's own.

Despite the large burst of spiritual energy hitting his body, Wei could have recovered easily. Yet, he decided to let the young male win since Wu Xuan had been training nonstop.

Another chapter completed!

I released a new book called "Fire Against Fire" if you guys wanna check it out. The protagonist is male and transmigrates into another body. There's a lot of drama and misunderstandings so for those that want to feel the torture of nonstop misunderstandings between the leads, go read it.

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