26 Identity (2)

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"Madam, the Master has held the First Young Master under house arrest for nearly a month, are you going to let this continue?" A high ranked servant asked. She was currently giving Madam Wu a massage as to help her relax. The servant was a middle aged woman, who had been serving the Madam before she was even married.

"I've visited everyday but those guards won't let me pass!" She slammed her hand on the table, startling the servant.

"Madam, you are the matriarch of this household. Think about it, the Master is away at the palace. If you go now, those guards will have to obey your words."

Madam Wu went silent for a moment. She had been stressed lately because she couldn't see Wu Yunxia.

"You're right! Quick, prepare the sedan!"

The servants hastily got her ride ready and Madam Wu sat down before ordering for them to head to Yunxia's chambers.

As Madam Wu's sedan was carried away, she saw someone who caught her attention.

"Hold it!"

The person was wearing a brown robe and his hair was tied into a topknot. Although he was already 45, the man looked like he was in his thirties.

"Greetings, Madam Wu." The man bowed since she was the matriarch.

"First Brother, we live in the same manor but haven't seen each other for so long, what have you been up to?" She greeted with a smile. This man was the older brother of her husband, Wu Dan.

"Madam, I was actually out of the capital and have just returned today. Master Wu has matters in the palace so he sent me a letter to return." He began to explain.

"Really?" Madam Wu looked surprised because she didn't know about this.

"Where is Madam planning on going?" Wu Dan asked with fake curiosity.

Thinking that Wu Dan probably didn't know about Yunxia's house arrest, Madam Wu told him the truth.

"I am off to see Yun'er, your nephew. Would you like to go together?" She asked politely, but saw the coldness in Wu Dan's eyes which made her freeze.

"Madam, you assume that just because I have been away, does that mean I do not know what's going on in the manor?"

Madam Wu opened her mouth to say that wasn't what she was thinking but Wu Dan kept going.

"Wu Yunxia is under house arrest and you plan on visiting? Master Wu sent me back to take care of household affairs so as of now, I am the head of the house. Anyone who doesn't obey will be punished and that includes you!"

Wu Dan held out the letter Wu Dingxiang sent as well as the family seal, proving he was indeed being honest.

Madam Wu's face turned red as she stared at the letter and seal.

Wu Dingxiang you bastard! Even now, you won't let me see Yun'er?!

"Wu Dan, just because you're the temporary head, don't let that get to your head!" Madam Wu angrily spat before telling her people to return. Her mood had been worsened by that old man. She was so angry, she didn't wait a second before throwing a fit and trashing her room as soon as she returned.

"Useless! All useless!" She slapped one of the young maids. She continued rampaging as she remembered how she ended up like this.

Growing up in a noble family, Madam Wu was spoiled and got anything she wanted. However, when she married that bastard, her life changed for the worst.

No matter how much she tried, Master Wu never slept with her. He took in multiple concubines and slept with them instead. She loved him, yet she hated him equally as much.

With her status as the legal spouse, she made sure the concubines didn't bear children before her. However, since Wu Dingxiang didn't sleep with her, she slept with someone else. After he found out, he didn't get mad but instead, he asked if she was pregnant. That made her so angry the fact that he didn't care she slept with another man but had the audacity to ask if she was with child.

To her dismay, she was pregnant with the man she slept with. During her 9 months, Master Wu was so kind to her but after the child was born, he took the baby away. Madam Wu didn't even get to see her newborn baby.

A year later, one of the concubines became pregnant so she devised a plan.
She paid the doctor to kill the mother after the baby was born. They made it seem like she died from child birth when in fact, she didn't.

Madam Wu took the baby boy and named him Yunxia, who was closest to her today. As she raised the boy, she gradually came to hate Wu Xingxie.

3 years later, Madam Wu met the same man whom she slept with. Since she was so lonely, she slept with him again and got pregnant again. This time however, Master Wu didn't care about her pregnancy.

After she gave birth to a baby boy, Madam Wu let the servants raise it. Only when she was giving him away was when Master Wu stopped her. Once again, he took away the baby and that was the first time she saw Wu Xingxie who wanted to meet her brother.

When she saw Wu Xingxie growing so well under the care of Wu Dingxiang, it made her indignant. She came to believe that if the child was really her daughter, why didn't she cry or beg for her?

In truth, it was Master Wu who told Wu Xingxie not to cry when she saw her mother. This way, Master Wu made her believe that her real child didn't need her and that he was a better parent than her.

As the years passed, Madam Wu's hate for her two children turned murderous as she felt they were a threat to Wu Yunxia.

Madam Wu, just because your husband don't love you doesn't mean you can take it out on your children. -_-

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