92 Wu Xingxie's Marriage (10)

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Two days passed since Hu Jiayi revealed what happened after she time traveled back this timeline. Wu Xingxie didn't do much as she asked Yuyan to help her get dressed up.

She was to meet General Tang about their upcoming wedding day. Wu Xingxie was quite bummed out that Wei hadn't talked to her since the day she told him and the others about the marriage.

Since he wants to give me the silent treatment then I'll do the same to him. He's just a guard anyways. What's so good about him? He and his friend are none of my concern.

Wu Xingxie thought to herself. "His friend" being Hu Jiayi. She occupied herself by thinking about her next plans to frame Wu Dingxiang's next ally, the Minister of Rites.

The plan wouldn't be put into effect until after the wedding so she had time to gather more dirt on the man. One side of her lips curled into a ridiculing smile as she imagined the look on Wu Dingxiang's face once he lost another ally.

"Madam, do I have to dress up? I mean, it's just a discussion." Tang Yanan asked as he looked at himself. He shaved his growing beard, making him appear fresh and more his age.

"Of course! You're meeting our enemy today. Don't forget, Wu Dingxiang was behind the murder of the Lord. He can't be forgiven!"
Madam Gu's eyes flashed with malice as she bit her lips for mentioning his name.

However she composed herself as it wasn't good for her to be stressed out while pregnancy. She had many more months to go until her baby would be born.

"I got it. I stills don't get why his daughter is on our side. What if she's a spy?" General Tang didn't have complete trust in Wu Xingxie since he believed that she was his eldest daughter.
As they say, blood is thicker than water.

"Don't worry. I can assure you that she's not. Otherwise, she wouldn't have helped me see the truth."

General Tang was still skeptical about the girl but if the Madam trusted her, then he'll give her a chance.

"Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Why don't you two go out and enjoy yourselves?" Wu Dingxiang proposed, a fake smile plastered on his face. The general was a pro at putting on the right act for various situations.

Likewise, Madam Gu returned the same smile as she agreed.

"That's right. It's going to be lots of fun. Many couples spend time together and it's great for learning about each other."

Wu Xingxie didn't say anything but nodded, completely nonchalant about it. General Tang remained aloof but verbally stated that he had plans with his men the next day.

"That can wait later. What's more important at the moment, your betrothed or your soldiers who you've known and seen for years?" Madam Gu really wanted them to interact in hopes to stir up feelings between the two.

Based on her calculations, the two made a good pair. Wu Xingxie's birthdate was compatible with Tang Yanan's birthdate. Out of boredom, she compared Wu Xingxie's birthdate to her grand nephew but it showed that their compatibility rate was very bad.

"You guys need bonding time. Tomorrow, I want the capital to be talking about Miss Xingxie and Yanan." Madam Gu declared with her finger pointed out.

Wu Xingxie didn't think much about the festival but it was nice since she had never experienced it before. Perhaps, she could find the person in her dream.

The Mid-Autumn Festival was held on the 15th day of the 8th month based on the lunar calendar.

Many people from all over other territories come to celebrate it as it is so popular. It was time for family gathering, moon gazing, releasing lanterns and eating moon cakes.

Wu Xingxie woke up at 5 in the morning as she wanted to make moon cakes with Yuyan.

"Eldest Miss, you don't have to. Let me do it..." Yuyan insisted that she do the work but Wu Xingxie ignored her words as she mixed the batter.

"I wonder what Zhuhong is doing." Wu Xingxie wondered about her stepmother. They hadn't seen each other since the family meeting so she worried if the woman got sick from the changing season.

"Lady Xi was given permission my Master
Wu to visit her hometown. I forgot to tell you earlier." Yuyan bowed as she said this.

Wu Xingxie chuckled at her actions, proceeded to dip a finger into the batter and licked it.

Yuyan glanced at her to see her reaction to the taste.

"How is it?"

Wu Xingxie tilted her head,
"I feel like it's missing something but I don't know what. Go fetch Xuan'er for me. I want him to taste it."

Yuyan nodded and turned to leave the kitchen. Stepping out, she glanced at Wei standing by the door with an expressionless face. She honestly more felt sad for him than herself.

Once the Eldest Miss married, as her personal attendant, she would move into the new house with her but what about him? He was a guard for the Wu. He'd be reassigned somewhere else or given other tasks.

"Still not talking?" She commented, disappointedly shaking her head.

Wei watched as her figure disappeared from his view before forming a privacy shield around the place. That way, no one could disturb him and her.

He entered the kitchen and halted in his step when he saw her turned away from where he stood. She was focusing on the moon cakes and hadn't notice him yet. Wu Xingxie hummed to herself as she tried to shape the cakes but kept failing.

Wei saw her struggle and walked up behind her. Her body froze in place but relaxed when he touched her hands.

"You have to do this." He helped her shaped the cakes correctly but Wu Xingxie kept forgetting as his scent occupied her mind. The manly odor filled her nose, causing her to lose concentration.

I thought I was over him. Why is he doing this to me?

Frowning, she slapped his hands away claiming,
"I can do it by myself. I don't need your help!"

Wei moved back from her outburst. She didn't even turn to look at him and continued with the moon cakes.

She clearly has feelings for me, but she wants to marry a stranger?

Wei spent his childhood years watching her in secret but why is it that he felt so distant from her? He never understood her actions and her words most of the time.

Even before Yuyan was brought into the estate, his master had already planted him in to keep her safe. During the daytimes, he'd sneak into her chambers to see what she was learning or what she was up to. Then on the last night of the week, he'd return to his master to report.

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